Twice 63 is 126.
To find out a percent of a number would be by changing that percent into a decimal to multiplying that number. So 40% of 37.50 would being as: 0.4 x 37.50 = 15. By words that is: forty percent of a whole number thirty-seven with a decimal fifty is four tenths times thirty-seven fifty equals fifteen.
The number is 17.
Thirty: 30*2+60=120
2 * (x + 7) 2x + 14 ■
Five more than twice a number is -13 find the number
The reciprocal of a number plus the reciprocal of twice the number equals Find the number. 1/2 find the number
Twice 63 is 126.
This is just a guess, so take it for what it's worth. But I think six thousand three hundred thirty seven is spelled six thousand three hundred thirty seven. Please let me know what you find!
The number is 17.
7 times thirty plus 7 times 8 = 210+56=266