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Q: The sum of two digits of two digit numberis 10 if 18 be subtracted from itthen find the answer?
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the answer is 000,1,000 000

What is a unique number?

If a number An consisting of n consecutive digits in ascending order is subtracted from the number An' obtained by reversing the digits of An, then the difference is always a constant. This constant is termed as the 'Unique number' Un as reported by me earlier in. For example, a 3-digit number 345 if subtracted from its reverse 543, yields a difference of 198. Thus U3 = 198. Another 3-digit number, say, 678 if subtracted from its reverse 876 will also yield the same difference, that is, 198. Thus for any number consisting of 3 consecutive digits, the Unique number U3 is always 198. Similarly for a number consisting of 4 consecutive digits, the Unique number U4 = 3087.

Write a c program to add the digits of a given no?

THIS IS ONLY FOR UPTO A FIVE DIGIT NO. BY ROHAN ARORA#include#includevoid main(){int a,n,s,sum=0;clrscr();printf("Enter the number between 1 to 5 digits\n");scanf("%d",&a);while(a!=0){n=a%10;sum=sum+n;a=a/10;}printf("The sum of digits of the given numberis %d",sum);getch();}

How many three digits are there in which all the digit are distinct?

There are the digits 1 through 9 for the first digit. Then, we have 0 through 9 for the second digit - excluding the first digit. For the third digit, we have 0 through 9 excluding the two previous digits

Is a 3-digit number all the digits are different the first and second digits are multiples of 3 the first digit is greater than the second digit?

Not necessarily. Consider 444. The digits are not different. The first and second digits are not multiples of 3 The first digit is not greater than the second digit. In spite of all that, 444 is a 3-digit number

If the sum of digits of a two digit number is 9 and if 17 is subtracted from the number the digits of the new number are equal what is the number?

18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90? 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 A-Ha!

What is the smallest 6 digit number using the digits 12345?

Since there are only five different digits, a 6-digit number can only be generated if a digit can be repeated. If digits can be repeated, the smallest 6-digit number is 111111.

How many even four digit numbers can be made using 02356 where the first digit is cannot be 0 and no digits are repeated?

Assuming that 2356 is a different number to 2365, then: 1st digit can be one of four digits (2356) For each of these 4 first digits, there are 3 of those digits, plus the zero, meaning 4 possible digits for the 2nd digit For each of those first two digits, there is a choice of 3 digits for the 3rd digit For each of those first 3 digits, there is a choice of 2 digits for the 4tj digit. Thus there are 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 96 different possible 4 digit numbers that do not stat with 0 FM the digits 02356.

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987654321 is the highest nine-digit number with no repeated digits.

What is the largest 10-digit number with no repeated digits?

The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.