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Q: The three stages of stress are alarm resistance and exhaustion. true or false?
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How many stages of stress are there?

There are three stages of stress: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. The alarm stage is the body's initial reaction to stress, followed by the resistance stage where the body tries to adapt and cope with stress. If stress continues without relief, it can lead to the exhaustion stage, where the body's resources are depleted.

What are the stages your body goes through as it tries to deal with stress?

The first stage is the alarm stage. The SECOND stage is the resistance stage. The last stage is the exhaustion stage.

The general adaptation syndrome describes stages in the?

General adaptation syndrome, or GAS, is a term used to describe the body's short-term and long-term reactions to stress. There are three stages the alarm reaction, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion.

The exhaustion stage of stress comes from the cycle?

Alarm Resistance Cycle.

What is GAS and what are the three stages of GAS?

it stands for General Adaptation Syndrome The Three stages are # Alarm Reaction # Stage of Resistance # Stage of exhaustion

What stage do peptic ulcer most likely develop is it exhaustion?

which of the stages of adaptation syndrome do peptic ulcer develop is it exhaustion, resistance, alarm reaction or hypostress?

What-are the stages involved in the General Adaptation S?

The General Adaptation Syndrome, proposed by Hans Selye, consists of three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. During the alarm stage, the body mobilizes its resources to cope with the stressor. In the resistance stage, the body tries to adapt and restore balance. If the stressor persists for a prolonged period, the body enters the exhaustion stage where resources become depleted, increasing susceptibility to illness.

When you are in the resistance stage of stress your body is damage?

An initial reaction to something alarming would be the alarm stage. This is when the adrenaline courses through the body. The resistance stage comes after the alarm stage, and this is when the body repairs any damage to the system that had been caused by the alarm stage.

What is the Three Stage Model of Stress Response?

Selye developed the Three Stage Model of Stress Response. This model consisted of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.

Which stage is stress is marked by the body's release of adrenaline?

The alarm stage of stress is marked by the body's release of adrenaline. The next stage is usually the resistance stage, and finally exhaustion.

What is the second stage of body's response to stress?

The first stage is the alarm stage. The SECOND stage is the resistance stage. The last stage is the exhaustion stage.

What is the second stage of the body response to stress?

The first stage is the alarm stage. The SECOND stage is the resistance stage. The last stage is the exhaustion stage.