Among units of measurement for angles, the degree and the radian are the most commonly used, by far.
Angles are measured with a protractor in degrees, minutes and seconds.
A triangle has three sides and three angles. Sides are measured in units of length. Angles are measured in angular units, like radians, degrees, or grads. A side can never be equal to an angle. So, of the 6 quantifiable parts of a triangle, the greatest possible uniformity occurs with 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles. When that occurs, you have an "equilateral" triangle.
The length, width, or height of a solid figure is measured in units of length. The area of the figure's outside surfaces is measured in squared units of length. The volume of space filled by the figure is measured in cubed units of length. The mass of the figure is measured in units of mass. The weight of the object is measured in units of force. The age of the figure is measured in units of time. etc.
None. Area cannot be measured in length units - only in squares of such units.
Angles can be measured in degrees, radians and revolutions.
mostly they're measured in degrees
In geometry angles are measured in degrees.
it's called degrees
Among units of measurement for angles, the degree and the radian are the most commonly used, by far.
Angles are measured with a protractor in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Because a perimeter is measured in linear units while an area is measured in square units.
No, volume is measured in cubic units, area is measured in square units.
On a graph, 'x' and 'y' are marked and measured in length or distance units. Latitude and longitude are marked and measured in angles.
A triangle has three sides and three angles. Sides are measured in units of length. Angles are measured in angular units, like radians, degrees, or grads. A side can never be equal to an angle. So, of the 6 quantifiable parts of a triangle, the greatest possible uniformity occurs with 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles. When that occurs, you have an "equilateral" triangle.
2x*r2 square units where r is the radius and 2x is the angle (measured in radians).
Angles are measured by degrees. Fractions of degrees are measured in minutes and seconds.