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Q: The use of time in film is the same as the use of time in theatrical plays?
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Related questions

What is world television premiere?

It means first time on televison. It could be something new or just a theatrical film being shown on television for the first time.

What is the highest grossing Sinhala film of all time?

Films generate income from several revenue streams including theatrical exhibition, home video, television broadcast rights and merchandising. The highest grossing film of all time is Avartar.

During which time period were Biblical stories often portrayed by traveling troupes?

The modern origin of theatrical drama was likely the religious plays of the Middle Ages.

What is it called when everyone plays the same rhythm at the same time?

In sync.

How can an actor appear more than once at the same time in a scene?

When an actor plays more than one role in a story -- for example a twin, the film is edited to contain multiple images.

Is Tom Hanks in the film called Every Time you Say Goodbye?

Yes, Tom Hanks stars in the film Every Time We Say Goodbye. He plays the role of David Bradley.

How many movies did William Shakespeare make?

Shakespeare did not make movies. Film technology did not exist in his time. There have been over a hundred movies made from his plays.

Why is there typically a lag time between a movie and theatrical release and its home video release?

A theatrical release gives a certain legitimacy to a video release

Was the actor Seth Rogen in the film For a Good Time Call...?

Yes, he was. The actor Seth Rogen does appear in the film called "For a Good Time, Call...".He plays the role of "Jerry"."For a Good Time, Call..." was released in the year 2012.

Do Time Machine Replicas Time Travel?

There are no working time machines, only theatrical pretend time machines.

Who plays the hispanic locksmith in the 2004 film crash?

Michael Peña. Try Wikipedia or IMDb next time.

What is contemporary drama?

Contemporary drama refers to plays written and produced in the current time period, often tackling modern themes, issues, and societal concerns. These plays may incorporate a variety of styles and techniques, blending traditional theatrical elements with innovative approaches to storytelling.