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The value of a random variable that is uniformly distributed between 20 and 100 can be calculated by calculating the sum of numbers from 20 to 100 and dividing it by the difference between 100 and 20. The resulting mean is 58.5.

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Q: The value of a random variable are uniformly distributed between 20 and 100 the mean of this distribution is?
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What is the difference between the mean and z-score?

There is little in common between the two. Any set of numbers can have a mean. A z-score the standardised version of the Gaussian (or Normal) distribution. If X is a random variable that is normally distributed with mean µ and variance σ2 then Z = (X - µ)/σ is distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. Z is said to have the Standard Normal distribution. The value of Z is the z score for the random variable X..

What is the probabilty that the individuals pressure will be between 120 and 121.8 if the mean pressure is 120 and the standard deviation is 5.6 with a normally distributed variable?

It is 0.37, approx.

What is the difference between the normal distribution and Poisson distribution?

The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that describes the distribution of real-valued random variables that are distributed around some mean value.The Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the distribution of the number of events that occur within repeated fixed time intervals, where the mean frequency is a known value, and each interval is independent of the prior interval(s)/event(s).

What is the formula for a random variable?

The formula, if any, depends on the probability distribution function for the variable. In the case of a discrete variable, X, this defines the probability that X = x. For a continuous variable, the probability density function is a continuous function, f(x), such that Pr(a < X < b) is the area under the function f, between a and b (or the definite integral or f, with respect to x, between a and b.

What is the difference between probability distribution and probability density function?

A probability density function assigns a probability value for each point in the domain of the random variable. The probability distribution assigns the same probability to subsets of that domain.

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What is the difference between the mean and z-score?

There is little in common between the two. Any set of numbers can have a mean. A z-score the standardised version of the Gaussian (or Normal) distribution. If X is a random variable that is normally distributed with mean µ and variance σ2 then Z = (X - µ)/σ is distributed with mean 0 and variance 1. Z is said to have the Standard Normal distribution. The value of Z is the z score for the random variable X..

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A homogeneous mixture is one in which all components are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. In a heterogeneous mixture the components are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Difference between a random variable and a probability distribution is?

A random variable is a variable that can take different values according to a process, at least part of which is random.For a discrete random variable (RV), a probability distribution is a function that assigns, to each value of the RV, the probability that the RV takes that value.The probability of a continuous RV taking any specificvalue is always 0 and the distribution is a density function such that the probability of the RV taking a value between x and y is the area under the distribution function between x and y.

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The answer is 0.1586

The difference between an empirical distribution and a theoretical distribution?

Empirical Distribution: based on measurements that are actually taken on a variable. Theoretical Distribution: not constructed on measurements but rather by making assumptions and representing these assumptions mathematically.

When molecules are evenly distributed through a liquid what is it called?

When molecules are evenly distributed through a liquid it is called a homogeneous mixture, or solution. This means that the substances are uniformly spread throughout the liquid and there is no visible distinction between the different components.

When does resonace occur?

resonance occur charge is not uniformly distributed and difference of electronegativity is there between central atom and attached takes place sulphates, phenoxides nd carbonates

What is the difference between a normal distribution and a standard normal distribution?

when you doesnt have information about the real mean of a population and use the estimation of mean instead of the real mean , usually you use t distribution instead of normal distribution. * * * * * Intersting but nothing to do with the question! If a random variable X is distributed Normally with mean m and standard deviation s, then Z = (X-m)/s has a standard Normal distribution. Z has mean 0 and standard deviation = 1 (or Variance = sd2 = 1).

What is the probability the random variable will assume a value between 40 and 60?

It depends on what the random variable is, what its domain is, what its probability distribution function is. The probability that a randomly selected random variable has a value between 40 and 60 is probably quite close to zero.

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Galaxies are not spread uniformly throughout the universe. They are actually structured into clusters, groups, and superclusters, with vast voids of empty space in between. This distribution is influenced by gravity and the large-scale structure of the universe.

What is a random number table?

Random numbers (or random deviates) are numbers chosen totally by chance, but also conform to a certain distribution. The most common distribution is the uniform distribution. If I say that a number is chosen totally by chance between 1 and 100, and there is equal chance that every number between 1 and 100 can be chosen, then this is a uniformly distributed random number. If I list these generated numbers in a table, then this is a random number table. A program like Excel can easily generate uniform random numbers from 0 to 1, by entering +rand() into a column in the spreadsheet. To calculate a new table, press F9.