

Best Answer

It's not likely that any property of fluids correlates

in any way with any Vatican situation.

If a pipe of X cross sectional area is connected so a fluid flows at a specific velocity, and then a pipe of 2X cross sectional area is connected to the pipe of X cross sectional area, the velocity of fluid flowing in the 2X pipe will be less than what is flowing in the X pipe. In this case, what you're saying is true.

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Q: The velocity of a fluid decreases as the cross sectional area of a pope increases True or false?
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As the cross-sectional area of a conductor increases, its resistance decreases. This is because a larger area allows more electrons to flow through the conductor, reducing congestion and increasing conductivity. Consequently, the larger cross-sectional area decreases the resistance to the flow of current.

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The resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire. This means that as the cross-sectional area of the wire increases, the resistance decreases, and vice versa.

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When the cross-sectional area of a wire increases, the resistance decreases because there is more space for current to flow through, reducing the likelihood of collisions between electrons and the wire material. Conversely, if the cross-sectional area decreases, the resistance increases because the available space for the current to flow through is reduced, leading to more collisions and hindering the flow of electrons.

Does resistance increase as the cross-sectional area of the wire?

No, resistance decreases as the cross-sectional area of the wire increases. This is because a larger cross-sectional area provides more pathways for the electrons to flow through the wire, resulting in less resistance.

What are the factors affecting the resista nce of a wire?

The factors affecting the resistance of a wire are its length, cross-sectional area, resistivity of the material, and temperature. As the length of the wire increases, the resistance also increases. A larger cross-sectional area decreases resistance, while higher resistivity materials and increased temperature contribute to higher resistance.

What effect will the cross-sectional area of the conductor have on the resistance of a conductor?

The cross-sectional area of a conductor is inversely proportional to the resistance of the conductor. Increasing the cross-sectional area decreases the resistance, as it allows more space for electrons to flow through, reducing collisions and increasing conductivity. Alternatively, decreasing the cross-sectional area increases resistance, as there is less area for electrons to flow through, leading to more collisions and increased resistance.

When area reduces velocity increases or decreases?

When the area reduces, the velocity typically increases due to the conservation of mass principle, which states that the product of the cross-sectional area and velocity of a fluid remains constant, assuming steady flow. This relationship is described by the continuity equation. However, changes in area alone may not be the only factor affecting velocity, as other variables such as pressure gradients or frictional losses can also influence the flow velocity.

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How does the 4 factors affect the resistance?

The four factors that affect resistance are material, length, cross-sectional area, and temperature. Resistance increases with longer length and higher temperature, and decreases with greater cross-sectional area and more conductive material. These factors impact the ability of a material to impede the flow of electrical current.