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Q: What wire has the greatest cross-sectional area?
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How do you find length and crosssectional area of a wire given just resistancevolume and resistivity?

Resistance varies directly as length Resistance varies inversely as cross-sectional area Hence R varies as L and R varies as 1/A Thus R = r(L/A) where r is the coefficient of resistance of the wire. If the wire is of uniform cross section, then A = V/L where V is the volume of the wire. Hence now we have R = r(L/(V/L)) or R = r(L-squared/V) or L-squared = (RxV)/r and so the answer would be L = square-root of (RxV)/r

A wire that is what would have the greatest electrical resistance?

A long and thin wire made of a material with high resistivity and low conductivity would have the greatest electrical resistance. The resistance of a wire is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area, so a long, thin wire will have a greater resistance compared to a shorter, thicker wire.

What will you need to measure to find out which wire has the greatest resistance?

To find out which wire has the greatest resistance, you will need to measure the resistance of each wire using a multimeter. Connect the multimeter to each wire separately and record the resistance values displayed. The wire with the highest resistance value will have the greatest resistance.

What is the formula for area of wire?

how to calculate area of a wire

Which has the greatest resistance a thick wire or a thin wire of the same length?

A thin wire will have greater resistance than a thick wire of the same length. This is because resistance is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire. Thinner wires have smaller cross-sectional areas, leading to higher resistance.

Would a long and thick wire have the greatest resistance?

No, resistance is primarily determined by the material the wire is made of, its length, and its cross-sectional area. A longer and thicker wire would actually have lower resistance due to more space for electrons to flow through.

What kind of wire would have the greatest electrical resistance?

A thin and long wire made of a material with high resistivity, such as nichrome or tungsten, would have the greatest electrical resistance.

Is the resistance of the wire directly or inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire?

The resistance of a wire is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the wire. This means that as the cross-sectional area of the wire increases, the resistance decreases, and vice versa.

What is the greatest number of square meters Mr Quinn can enclose with the amount of chicken wire he has?

The answer depends on how much chicken wire he has. The greatest area is enclosed if it is in the form of a circle with the quantity as the perimeter. So, if he has L metres of chicken wire, he can make a circular shape of 2*pi*r = L where r is the radius. So r = L/(2*pi) metres. Then area = pi*r2 = pi*[L/(2*pi)]2 metres = L2/(4*pi) sq metres

Why does the greatest area equal the greatest perimeter?

Because area is a function of perimeter.

What is the cross sectional area of a wire?

If you slice a wire cleanly and then look at the cut end, you see a little circle at the end. The area of that circle is the "cross-sectional area" of the wire. The larger that area is, the lower the DC resistance of the wire is.