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The Kidneys produce Urine.

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Q: The waste liquid produced by this organ is 96 percent water the other 4 percent is made up of salts vitamins and urea?
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What organ has the waste liquid of 96 percent water and other 4 percent made up of vitamins salt and urea?

The answer is sucks to suck no cheating .......

What organ stores 2 cups of liquid waste that you produce everyday?

The urinary bladder stores liquid waste that is produced by the kidneys before excretion.

What is the organ that synthesizes vitamin?

The liver is the organ that plays a key role in synthesizing vitamin D. Skin also produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

The saclike organ where liquid wastes are stored before excretion is the?

bladder. The bladder is a muscular organ located in the pelvis that stores urine produced by the kidneys until it is ready to be excreted from the body through the urethra.

What is a liquid organ?

A liquid organ is an organ within the body that contains a high percentage of fluid, such as blood or urine. These organs play important roles in various bodily functions and processes. Examples of liquid organs include the bladder, which holds urine, and the heart, which pumps blood.

What stores glycogen vitamins and minerals?

The liver is the body organ that stores glycogen, vitamins and minerals. The minerals and vitamins are some of the nutrients that we get in small quantities from the vegetables and fruits.

What is the largest single organ thaat cleans out poison in blood and takes vitamins out of the blood?

The largest filtering organ is the liver.

Which organ produced 96 percent waste liquid?

The kidney produces urine, which is about 95% water and 5% waste products. It filters waste and excess substances from the blood to form urine, which is then excreted from the body.

Which organ in the body is a liquid?


What organ stores glycogen and vitamins?

The liver stores glycogen and vitamins. Glycogen is the body's primary storage form of glucose for energy, while vitamins such as A, D, and B12 are stored in the liver for future use.

Which organ produces bile to break down fats so they can be absorbed and used by the body?

The liver is the organ the makes the liquid bile. It helps digest fats and lipids.

What female organ eggs produced?

The ovaries.