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Q: What is the number 1 organ transplanted?
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What wast the first organ to be successfully transplanted from a cadaver what was the first organ to be successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?


What is it called when a transplanted organ is attacked by the body's immune system?

It is called organ rejection, which occurs when the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and tries to attack and destroy it. Organ rejection can lead to the failure of the transplanted organ if not managed properly with immunosuppressive medications.

Which organ is mostly transplanted?


What organ was transplanted from Ronald to Richard herrick?


What is an organ transplant?

It is when a major organ is removed from the body and a replacement fitted or transplanted. Such as a heart transplant.

Is a transplanted organ a foreign antigen?

Yes, unless the organ comes from the patients identical twin.

First organ successfully transplanted from dead person?

A heart.

Can a bone be transplanted or replaced by an artificial organ?


Ronald herrick to Richard herrick what organ transplanted?


How can doctors ensure that a transplanted organ works sucessfully?

Doctors can ensure that a transplanted organ works successfully by carefully matching the donor and recipient, prescribing immunosuppressant medications to prevent rejection, closely monitoring the recipient for signs of rejection or infections, and providing long-term follow-up care to maintain the health of the transplanted organ.

What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?

A kidney.

Is is possible to make Frankenstein?

Any organ can be transplanted except the brain.