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Q: The weight of an air assault division makes it require almost the same amount of strategic lift as an armored division.?
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Your son was charged with aggravated assault with a gun but they found no gun?

Get a copy of the state penal code. Aggravated assault doesn't necessarily require a firearm. Additionally, aggravated assault doesn't necessarily require a weapon. If you beat someone so badly with your hands that they almost die or suffer severe injuries, that can also be ag assault.

Should strategic plans be modified periodically?

In any strategic management process, but particularly in those taking place in dynamic environments, situations change and strategic plans require modification.

What states require gun registration?

Local Jurisdictions that Register Guns:States that Require Registration of All FirearmsDistrict of ColumbiaHawaiiStates that Require Registration of Handguns New YorkMichiganStates that Require New Residents to Report Their Firearms CaliforniaMaryland (handguns and assault weapons)States that Require Registration of Pre-Ban “Assault Weapons” and/or 50 Caliber Rifles CaliforniaConnecticutHawaiiMarylandNew JerseyNew York

Do you need to register an SKS assault rifle in Pennsylvania?

No. PA does not require gun registration- and the SKS is not an assault rifle- it is a semi auto rifle with a fixed magazine.

Does cellular division require energy?

yes, everythingrequires energy.

Can president ban assault weapons by executive order?

No, this would require legislation from Congress. This is because currently there is no law banning assault weapons for an executive order to clarify the scope of.

Do you need a license to buy an assault rifle?

You will need to define assault rifle, and where you live. A TRUE assault rifle is a machine gun, and transfers of them are tightly regulated by the Federal government. What most people CALL an assault rifle is nothing but a semi-automatic rifle, and in most of the US, does not require a license to possess.

Does 2x plus 3 equals 6 require addition and division?

Solving this equation for x actually requires subtraction and division rather than addition and division.

How many batteries does the hover assault require?

You need 6 AA batteries but it doesn't last long. I got to use my hover assault for about 30 min then i had to replace them. so there basically a ripoff

What presents five broad national security challenges likely to require employment of joint forces?

The Strategic Environment

What presents five broad national security challenges likely to require the employment of the joint forces?

The Strategic Environment

An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another is?

Assault. It involves the intentional creation of a reasonable apprehension of harm or offensive contact in another person. It does not require physical contact, only the threatened action.