Three sides x 17 = 51.
The sum of the numbers 1 to 9 = 45.
So we need an extra '6' to make 45 up to 51.
The numbers at the corners of a triangle are counted twice.
So we need three numbers at the corners which total 6, because they will be counted twice.
The only three numbers which total six are 1,2,3.
So the sides are
The side which starts with 1 and ends with 2 already totals 3, so we need two numbers that total 14 to complete the sum of 17. Two unused numbers which total 14 are 9 & 5.
So side 1 is 1, 9 & 5, 2
The side which starts with 2 and ends with 3 already totals 5, so we need two numbers that total 12 to complete the sum of 17. Two unused numbers which total 12 are 8 & 4.
So side 2 is 2, 8 & 4, 3
The side which starts with 3 and ends with 1 already totals 4, so we need two numbers that total 13 to complete the sum of 17. Two unused numbers which remain are 7 & 6, which, fortunately, total 13!
So side 3 is 3, 7 & 6, 1
The only other way is
1, 8 & 6, 2
2, 7 & 5, 3
3, 9 & 4, 1
Kind of hard to show in here but... Use five circles to form a regular pentagon, then place the other five circles outside the pentagon - so that each is the point of a triangle (with the other points of the triangle formed by the points of the pentagon.
Do a prime factorization of each number. Draw 3 overlapping circles. Place the factors into each circle: note: some will go into the overlapping sections of the circles. All those numbers in the overlapping section of ALL circles will form the GCF. Multiply those in that overlapping section and that equals the GCF.
Each term is a square or triangular number. In the context of the sequence of square numbers, the first term is the first square number, the second term is the second square number and so on.
Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.
If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.
Kind of hard to show in here but... Use five circles to form a regular pentagon, then place the other five circles outside the pentagon - so that each is the point of a triangle (with the other points of the triangle formed by the points of the pentagon.
Do a prime factorization of each number. Draw 3 overlapping circles. Place the factors into each circle: note: some will go into the overlapping sections of the circles. All those numbers in the overlapping section of ALL circles will form the GCF. Multiply those in that overlapping section and that equals the GCF.
Any three numbers that total 180
Each term is a square or triangular number. In the context of the sequence of square numbers, the first term is the first square number, the second term is the second square number and so on.
To do triangle math on "Brain Age" when there are four numbers on top of the screen, a person has to draw a triangle, then draw a vertical line straight down the middle. Each triangle then shares the line in the middle.
1 8 9 6 4 2 5 7 3
Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.
If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.
The sum of the numbers in the nth row of Pascal's triangle is equal to 2^n. Therefore, the sum of the numbers in the 100th row of Pascal's triangle would be 2^100. This formula is derived from the properties of Pascal's triangle, where each number is a combination of the two numbers above it.
Concentric circles are a series of circles within each other.
All counting numbers. In fact the second number in each row forms the sequence 1,2,3,4,...