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Q: There are only three regular polygons that can make a regular tessellation?
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There are only three regular polygons which can make a regular tessellation?


What is a regular polygon that tesselates?

There are only three regular polygons which can make a regular tessellation?

Can a semi-regular tessellation be made from octagons and rhombi?

Strictly speaking, no, because a semi-regular tessellation must be based on regular polygons and rhombi are not regular polygons. However, octagons and rhombi can be used to make a non-regular tessellation.

There are only 3 regular polygons which can make a regular tessellation?

Triangle, square, hexagon.

Only regular polygons with an even number of sides can make a regular tessellation?


Only regular polygons with an odd number of sides can make a regular tessellation?

False... Because ?

Which regular polygon can be used by itself to make a tessellation?

The only regular polygons are those with 3, 4 or 6 sides.

Can only regular polygons with an odd number of sides can make a regular tessellation?

No. Squares and regular hexagons, both with an even number of sides, can make regular tessellations.

Can only regular polygons with an odd number of sides make a regular tessellation?

No. Squares and regular hexagons, both with an even number of sides, can make regular tessellations.

Only regular polygons with an even number of sides can make a regular tessellation.?

No. Equilateral triangles will tessellate and a triangle has 3 sides, which is an odd number.

Can only regular polygons with an even number of sides make a regular tessellation?

No. Equilateral triangles will tessellate and a triangle has 3 sides, which is an odd number.

What is the importance of the interior angle measures in the polygons included in a tessellation?

It they weren't equal is wouldn't make a tessellation.