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Q: These usually result from wind and can travel hundreds of miles before they reach the shore.?
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How long can a burrowing owl travel?

They migrate, and so can travel hundreds of miles.

How far can wind travel or go?

Wind can travel long distances, depending on its intensity and weather patterns. In general, wind can travel hundreds to thousands of miles before dissipating. Stronger winds, like jet streams, can travel even greater distances across continents and oceans.

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"Phoenix travel varies depending on where you are flying out of. For the most part, it is between the three hundreds to four hundreds however there are some outliers."

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they usually travel at night and stay hidden at.......................

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Polar bears often travel hundreds of miles to find food.

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How does initial velocity affect the projectile in range?

The initial velocity of a projectile affects its range by determining how far the projectile will travel horizontally before hitting the ground. A higher initial velocity will result in a longer range because the projectile has more speed to overcome air resistance and travel further. Conversely, a lower initial velocity will result in a shorter range as the projectile doesn't travel as far before hitting the ground.

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You will get pulled apart before reaching the singularity - as a result of the difference in gravitational pull between your head and your feet.

Can light travel through space?

Light can travel through space. All the light that we get on the earth's surface; usually travels from the sun through space before it can reach here.

How long does your passport need to be valid before travel within UK?

Depends on least a couple of weeks usually!

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In the postwar era, more cars were used than before the war. The result of this was that people could travel faster and further in a shorter amount of time.

How did the First Nation travel?

they usually travel in canoes