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L + W = P/2 = 12; L = 3 x W so L= 9, W = 3, the concrete squares thus being 3 x 3 feet

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Q: Three congruent squares of concrete placed next to each other to form a rectangler walkwayThe perimeter of the concrete path is 24 feet. What are the dimensions of the rectangular walkway?
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What is the number of congruent rectangular faces on a rectangular prism?

There are three pairs of faces of a rectangular prism, each pair has the same dimensions.

How many pairs of congruent faces does a rectangular prism have?

A rectangular prism has 3 pairs of congruent faces

How many congruent edges does a rectangular prism have?

I think a rectangular prism has 6 congruent edges, or not... sorry if I didn't help

What is a rectangular prism having six congruent faces called?

A rectangular prism with 6 congruent faces is called a cube.

What shape has two congruent squares and four congruent rectangles?

Rectangular prism

How do you determine the base of a prism?

Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular.

What dimensional figure has three pairs of congruent rectangular sides?

Rectangular prism

What is congruent to a trapezoid?

Another trapezoid that has the same dimensions and angles will be congruent to it.

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Congruent figures are identical in dimensions and angles whereas similar figures have dimensions in proportion to congruent figures but both have exactly the same angles.

When are shapes congruent?

Shapes are said to be congruent when they have the same dimensions and same angles

Can a rectangular prism have no congruent faces?

a rectangular prism has 4 congruent faces. that is what i think so im not sure if it right but im pretty sure it is. * * * * * A rectangular prism has 3 pairs of congruent faces. If you think of a smooth brick, the following three pairs are congruent: Top and Bottom, Left and Right, Front and Back.

What is different about similar figure and congruent figures?

Congruent figures are identical in dimensions and angles whereas similar figures have dimensions in proportion to congruent figures but both have exactly the same angles.