There are actually quite a few more phases of matter, but the commonest three known are solid, liquid, and gas. Some texts cite as many as fifteen. At super-cold temperatures a phase with unusual properties, known as BEC can be manifest (Bose-Einstein Condensate); at very high temperatures, electrons can dissociate from their atoms in the Plasma phase. Between and within phases are sub-phases, sone of which describe matter during changes in phase (phase transition) and some of which are stable.
I know of 7 states of matter, although of those, there are only 4 that you would be likely to encounter here on Earth. The common phases of matter are solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The more unusual phases are degenerate matter (found in neutron stars) and Bose-Einstein condensates (found in the laboratory only), and the super-fluid phase of liquid helium, also found only in the laboratory.
The 3 "Classes of Matter" are Elements, Compounds, and mixtures. Commonly mistaken for the 3 "Phases of Matter" which are solids, liquids, and gases.
if you read all three phases with a clamp on amp meter, they should be just about the same. So, yes, it's fine to add the three together and divide by 3 to get the exact average, but really, they should be so close to the same that it doesn't matter. Then you must take that number and multiply by 1.732 to get the real amp draw.
They are solid , liquid , and gas.
It has 3 sides.every tryangle has three sides and three verticies no matter what kind it is
The three phases of matter are gas, liquid and solid.
Physical phases of matter are not limited to three. Phases of the moon are not limited to three. Phases of a wave form are not limited to three. What phase is limited to three?
The three fundamental phases of matter are solid, liquid, gas. There are another two phases. Plasma is a mixture of ions and mobile electrons. Another phase is Bose-Einsten Condensate.
solid, liquid and gas,plasma
Water is the only item found on earth in three different phases of matter at standard pressure.
Wax, like all matter, comes in many phases. What are the three possible phases? gas. liquid, and solid
fundamental phase of matter are solid,liquid,gas,ion
There are three common phases of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Additional phases can include plasma and Bose-Einstein condensate.
The three phases of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. In a solid, particles are tightly packed, maintaining their shape. In a liquid, particles are close together but can move past one another. In a gas, particles are far apart and move freely.
Matter can be found in three common phases: solid, liquid, and gas. In addition, there is a fourth phase called plasma, which is less commonly encountered on Earth.
Gas, liquid and solid are the basic three phases of matter
The three phases of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. An example of each would be ice (solid), water (liquid), and steam (gas).