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Q: Three places you could hear an explosion?
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What would the sun sound like if you could hear it?

A big explosion that never stops.

What was the biggest volcanic explosion in the world?

Krakatoa the biggest volcanicexplosion. The explosion was so big u could hear it from Indonesia to Madagascar which happened 10 days ago

Explosion-do you see it first and then hear it?

You FIRST see it, then you HEAR it. The time delay depends on your distance from the source of the explosion. The explanation, light travels faster than sound.

What are three homophones for hear?

Here, hear, and hare are three homophones for hear.

If there is an explosion some where but no one can hear it is there a sound?

In my opinon: Yes.For me sound is irrespective of listener.

Can Thomas Edison hear with his left ear?

Yes, it is his right ear he cant hear out of. He was deffend during an explosion when he was trying to invent the lightbulb

What does it mean when you hear a sudden a loud explosion bang sound from the car when you are driving?

engine back fires: could be from bad gas,needs tune-up,incorrect timing,coil

How can the space travelers on board in the space heard the explosions in the space?

I'm not sure which explosions you're referring to. But if an explosion were tooccur near a manned spacecraft, the people on board could not hear it.

Where can you hear an Irish accent?

In Ireland, or anywhere in the world where there are Irish people. Irish people are found all over the world, so there are many places where you could hear an Irish accent.

What two physics mistakes occur when you see and hear an explosion from outer space in movies?

1.that you see the explosion and hear it at the same time , while you should see first and here it later. 2.that sometimes there is smoke which immposible since there is no air.

Why can't we hear explosions?

If you can't hear explosions, you need a doctor. Perhaps we are too far away, or there is another noise which is masking the sound of the explosion.

Would astronauts be able to hear an explosion on the moon?

No, astronauts would not be able to hear an explosion on the moon because there is no atmosphere to transmit sound waves. Sound requires a medium like air to travel through, and since the moon is airless, there would be no way for sound to propagate and reach the astronauts' ears.