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Q: To multiply a decimal by 100 how many spaces do we move it?
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How can you mentally multiply a decimal number by 100?

Move the decimal point two spaces to the right.

How do you write 0.0941 as a percent?

Simply move the decimal two spaces to the right (or multiply by 100). 9.41%

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60,490,000 To multiply by 1000, just move the decimal place 3 spaces to the right.

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15 x .967 (move the decimal two spaces to the left, then multiply)Answer: 14.505

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80 x .399 (move decimal two spaces left and multiply)Answer = 31.92

What is 2.32 turned into a percent?

To turn any decimal into a percent, simply multiply by 100, or move the decimal over to the right two spaces. 2.32 = 232%

How many places do you have to move the decimal point to multiply a decimal number by 1000?

Three. Count number of zeros. If multiply decimal by 100 move decimal point 2 places, etc.

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How is .125 Written In A Percentage?

When you write a decimal into a percentage, you multiply the decimal by 100 or move the decimal point to the right by 2 spaces. 0.125 multiplied by a 100 = 12.5 The answer then is 12.5% Hope this helps:)

What is 0.68 written as a percentage?

68%. To find the percent a decimal translates into, you multiply the decimal value by 100 (or move the decimal point over to the right two spaces), and add a percent sign.

How many spaces move a period in a decimal division?

It depends on the divisor (denominator).

How do you write 0.065 as a percent?

To convert a number to percent, multiply by 100, or move the decimal place two spaces to the right. 0.065 is 6.5%