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Q: To solve the system of linear equations mc007-1.jpg and mc007-2.jpg by using the linear combination method Henry decided that he should first multiply the first equation by and acirc and 128 and 1473?
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Related questions

How does writing equivalent equations help you solve a system of equations?

You can write an equivalent equation from a selected equation in the system of equations to isolate a variable. You can then take that variable and substitute it into the other equations. Then you will have a system of equations with one less equation and one less variable and it will be simpler to solve.

What is the meaning of a system of linear equation that are dependent?

It means that at least one of the equations can be expressed as a linear combination of some of the other equations. A linear combination of equations is the addition (or subtraction) of equations. And since an equation can be added several times, it includes multiples of equations. For example, if you have x + 2y = 3 and 2x + y = 4 Then adding 2 times the first and 3 times the second gives 8x + 7y = 18 This is, therefore, dependent on the other 2. If you have n unknown variables, there will be a unique solution if, and only if, you must have a set of n independent linear equations.

What is the name of a mathematics equation with two equations?

A simultaneous equation

What is an independent system of linear equations?

An independent system of linear equations is a set of vectors in Rm, where any other vector in Rm can be written as a linear combination of all of the vectors in the set. The vector equation and the matrix equation can only have the trivial solution (x=0).

When can two equations be equal?

Two equations are equal when the result of the functions of the numbers and variables of one equation match the results of the other equation.

What is the difference between a radical equation and a quadratic equation?

radical equations have sq roots, cube roots etc. Quadratic equations have x2.

What makes an equation either inconsistent consistent dependent or independent?

That doesn't apply to "an" equation, but to a set of equations (2 or more). Two equations are:* Inconsistent, if they have no common solution (a set of values, for the variables, that satisfies ALL the equations in the set). * Consistent, if they do. * Dependent, if one equation can be derived from the others. In this case, this equation doesn't provide any extra information. As a simple example, one equation is the same as another equation, multiplying both sides by a constant. * Independent, if this is not the case.

How do you solve imaginary equations?

The answer depends on the nature of the equation. Just as there are different ways of solving a linear equation with a real solution and a quadratic equation with real solutions, and other kinds of equations, there are different methods for solving different kinds of imaginary equations.

What is an equation made with two variables called?

An equation with two variables . . . seriously!An equation with one variable can be can be solved, but when there are two variables, you need two equations. This is called a system of two equations in two variables.Three equations in three variables, etc.

What are some calculus equations?

any differential equation would be considered a calculus equations.

What is the consistent equation in mathematics?

Consistent equations are two or more equations that have the same solution.

What is inconsistent equation?

An inconsistent equation (or system of equations) is one that has no possible solutions.