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The illumination on the surface would be reduced by a factor of four, thereforeif the distance from a light source is doubled, the illumination provided by the source is one fourth as great.

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Q: To what is the illumination of a surface by a light source directly proportional?
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What is inverse square law and an example?

inverse square law is the law that states the intensity of the light, sound etc is directly proportional to 1/ distance squared meaning the further you are from the source the less intense the light etc will be. e.g. an object 1m away from a light source 1/1^2=1 , 2m 1/2^2= 1/4 and so forth

How do you know that the perimeter of a rectangle is directly proportional to its length?

The perimeter of a rectangle is given by the formula P = 2(l + w). It is clear that as the length, l, increases, the perimeter, P, increases, as well. We say, therefore, that P is directly proportional to l. If l is the length and b is width of a rectangle then, the perimeter P of the rectangle is 2(l + b) units. P = 2(l + b) P = 2l + 2b If have b as a constant then, 2b will be a constant. Now l is the varying quantity. Say 2b = K P = 2l +K Perimeter changes if the length of the rectangle changes. In particular, if the length increases the perimeter of the rectangle increases. Similarly, if the length decreases the perimeter also decreases. So, the perimeter is directly proportional to the length of the rectangle. Source: In the most simplest explanation, the sum of both lengths, and both widths of the rectangle, IS the perimeter. So obviously the perimeter is directly proportionate to its length (and its width).

What does the inverse square law state?

any physical law stating that some physical quantity or strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity.

How do leaves orient themselves so that each blade is about 90 degree angle to the source of light?

the petiole is able to twist and turn in order to maintain this orientation to the sun and thus expose the blades of each leaf to maximum illumination.

What is the great divided?

For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click under the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.

Related questions

What is the illumination of a surface by a light source directly proportional?

The illumination of a surface by a light source is directly proportional to the intensity of the light source and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the light source and the surface. This relationship is described by the inverse square law of illumination.

How does the illumination on a surface vary with distance from a light source?

The illumination on a surface decreases as the distance from the light source increases. This is because light spreads out as it travels, leading to a decrease in light intensity the further away from the source. The relationship between illumination and distance follows an inverse square law, where doubling the distance results in a fourfold decrease in illumination.

What is a source of illumination?

A light bulb is a common source of illumination that emits light when powered. Other sources of illumination include the sun, candles, and LED lights.

Is frequency proportional to distance?

No, frequency is not directly proportional to distance. The frequency of a wave is determined by its source and is not directly related to the distance it travels. However, factors such as the medium through which the wave travels can affect its frequency.

Tripling the distance from a constant intensity point will cause the illumination to?

Decrease by a factor of 9. The illumination at a point is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. By tripling the distance, the intensity will decrease by 9 times (3^2 = 9).

Describe the relation between the size of your source and electric current?

The current drawn from a power source is directly proportional to the voltage of thesource, and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit between its terminals.There is no relationship between the current and the physical size of the source.

Does this Seiko men's diving watch have a source of illumination?

Seiko men's diving watch doesn't have any source of illumination

What is illumination in terms of light?

when objects get lighted from other source of light it is known as illumination

What relationship between illumination and visibility?

Illumination refers to the amount of light in a specific area, while visibility is the ability to see clearly. Higher illumination can improve visibility by reducing shadows and increasing contrast, making objects easier to see. Low illumination can reduce visibility by making objects appear dim and harder to distinguish.

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The source of an earthquake is called the focus or hypocenter. It is the point within the Earth where the earthquake originates due to the release of stored energy along a fault line.

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To increase the likelihood of producing photoelectrons, you can increase the intensity of the dim orange light. Photoelectric effect is directly proportional to the intensity of light.

When are shadows form?

When there is more than one source of illumination.