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360 degrees

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Q: Total measure of exterior angles of a heptagon?
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How many degrees does a heptagon have in total?

The exterior angles of a heptagon add to 360 degrees The interior angles add to 900 degrees.

How many degrees are in a heptagon?

The interior angles add up to 900 degrees Exterior angles total 360 degrees.

Approximately how many degrees are in the measure of an interior angle of a regular heptagon?

The measure of the interior angles of a regular heptagon is approximately 128.6 degrees. There are 2 ways to work this out: Find the total of all the angles and divide by 7: In an n-sided figure the interior angles sum to (n-2) x 180 degrees. For a heptagon, n=7, so total angles = (7-2) x 180 = 5 x 180 = 900 degrees So each angle = 900 / 7 ~= 128.6 degrees. Calculate the exterior angle and then subtract from 180 degrees to get the interior angle: The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360 degrees; Divide 360 degrees by the number of angles (= number of sides) Exterior angle of heptagon is 360 / 7 ~= 51.4 degrees; Interior angle ~= 180 - 51.4 = 128.6 degrees

What is the total angle measure of a quadrilaterial?

Interior angles = 360 degrees Exterior angles = 360 degrees

What is the total angle measure of a nonagon?

Exterior angles 360 degrees Interior angles 1260 degrees

What is the total measure of the exterior angle of a pentagon with solution?

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360 degrees.

What is the measure of one exterior angle of a regular polygon having 6 sides?

Total exterior angles of any polygon = 360 deg. In this case there are 6 exterior angles, so each angle is 60 deg.

What is the total measure of the angles of a forty sided polygon?

Exterior angles add up to 360 degrees Interior angles add up to 6840 degrees

What is the total measure of the interior angles of a hectogon?

Sadly, there is no such shape. There is a heptagon or an octagon but a hectogon simply does not exist. And, since it does not exist, it has no interior angles. And since there are no interior angles, there is no total measure for them. I suggest you check out a mathematical site or a dictionary and figure out what you want and re-post the corrected question.

Measure of an exterior angle of a 12-gon?

To find an exterior angle of a regular 12-gon, use the formula to find the total sum of all the angles first: total sum of all angles = (n-2)*180where 'n' is the number of sides, or 12.By solving, you will find that the total sum of all angles is 1800 degrees, so since it is a regular polygon, you can divide by 12 to find the measure of each interior angle, which is 150 degrees.Once you know the measure of the interior angles, since an exterior angle is the supplement of an interior angle, subtract 150 degrees from 180 degrees (the measure of a straight line) to find the exterior angles, which will be 30 degrees.

What is the total of a heptagon?

The answer depends on total WHAT! Total area, perimeter, sum of interior angles?

What is each exterior angle equal to?

The total of the exterior angles is 360o