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yes, trade discounts is also called functional discounts

I wish I could improve this answer since it does not address the actual question of what these discounts are, but I am also looking for that answer, so hopefully someone will actually take the time to read the question before answering it.

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Q: Trade discounts also called functional discounts are?
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What does the term graph mean in science?

A diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship. Also called plot.A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships. Also called chart., graphed, graph·ing, graphs.To represent by a graph.To plot (a function) on a graph.

Where in real life can you find percent?

Most shops. There will be [sales or value added] tax added. Also, discounts will usually be expressed in percentages. Schools: your test results.

What is difference between Partial Functional Dependency and Full Functional Dependency?

A functional dependency is defined as a constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation from a database.Given a relation R, a set of attributes X in R is said to functionally determine another attribute Y, also in R, (written X→ Y) if and only if eachX value is associated with at most oneY value.A functional dependency X --> Y is full functional dependency if removal of any attribute 'k' from X means that the dependency does not hold any more. Full functional dependency is minimal in size.Partial Functional Dependency Indicates that if A and B are attributes of a table, B is partially dependent on A if there is some attribute that can be removed from A and yet the dependency still holds.A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies an entire tuple, a function dependency allow us to express constraints that uniquely identify the values of certain attribute.

Where can you find good sales and discounts?

The best way to find sales and discounts is to search online; most popular retailers advertise their weekly sales and discounts on the internet. Some retailers also provide coupons and promotions via their affiliate partners and advertisers, providing deep discounts to thousands of inventory items. You can find them easily by doing a quick search on Google for keywords like coupons or promotional code. There are many such sites advertising coupons, we particularly like the ones that have a wide variety of store coupons sorted by categories and/or store names. Even better if they provide RSS feeds for individual stores, which work well if one wanted to subscribe to the feed and get updates automatically; never having to search for coupons on Google you can follow this link: it's quite good! Also try, they often have good deals!

Why standard units are useful?

Standard units enable both parties involved in trade to know exactly what they are dealing with. It is also important for designing, building and fitting things together.Standard units enable both parties involved in trade to know exactly what they are dealing with. It is also important for designing, building and fitting things together.Standard units enable both parties involved in trade to know exactly what they are dealing with. It is also important for designing, building and fitting things together.Standard units enable both parties involved in trade to know exactly what they are dealing with. It is also important for designing, building and fitting things together.

Related questions

What is trade discounts?

Trade discount is the discount that is deducted from the source and then the actual amount is shown. The trade discounts are not shown in the books of accounts. Only the cash discount is shown in the books of accounts but the trade discount will be deducted from the actual and the net amount will be considered.

What is the Definition of trade and explain different types of trade?

Trade is a business in which buying and selling of goods in large number takes place. there are 2 types of trade:External trade which is also called International tradeInternal trade which is also called National trade

What was the slave trade also called?

The triangular trade (because it involved three places).

What is toutomerism?

TOUTOMERISM is one kind of structural isomerism . it also called a special kind of functional group isomerism .In this process one kind of functional group change to other kind of functional group and creates a new kind of isomer. New isomer is called toutomer. The process of creates toutomer is called toutomerism .

What is the company Kacey known for?

There is no company called 'Kacey'. However, there is a company called 'Casey' which is a company that is known for their pizza and desserts. They also have various coupons and discounts.

Where can one find information about Shoppers discounts?

For information about Shoppers Discounts try the site Shopper Discounts And Rewards UK they have an online community for discussing Shoppers Discounts also.

What is the button on top of a hat called?

The button on top of a hat is called a "top button" or a "crown button." It is a decorative feature that can also be functional in some hats.

Where is trade discounts recorded in?

Trade discounts are not entered in the accounting records. They are not considered to be a part of the sale because the exchange agreement was based on the reduced price.NB: Remember the general rule that sales are recorded when an exchange takes place. The measurement of the sale is based on the exchange price. Therefore, the amount recorded as a sale is the invoice price. The entries previously shown for a $4,000 sale would also be appropriate if the list price was $5,000, subject to a 20% trade discount.

Why cell is called the basic structural and functional unit?

The cell is similar to a brick. A brick can be used to build a wall or a house. The cell is also called the functional unit because it has all the parts that a factory would to make items that the body (including the cell) will need.

Where can I find discounts on concert tickets?

You can get discounts on concert tickets at You can also try for these, as well.

What is the layer of meninges which attaches to the nerve tissue?

A nerve cell is actually called a neuron. It is the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. It can also be called a nerve fiber.

Where can you find discounts on gym memberships?

There are several ways to get discounts on gym memberships. If you qualify, ask if your gym offers AARP or military discounts. If you are a member of a union or a utility co-op, you may also qualify for discounts. Your place of employment or health insurance provider may also be able to provide discounts for you at select gyms. Call the gym you are interested in and ask them about any discounts you may qualify for!