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== == '''bunches of flowers are thrown to honer the new life.

''' '''Pink bubble gum cigars.'''

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Q: Traditionally when a baby boy is born the father gives out cigars. What about if it's a baby girl?
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If you are underage and pregnant and no longer with the baby's father who gets sole custody?

I believe that the mother should get custody and she gives the father a schedule to be on.

Does illegal father have rights to his American born baby if American mother gives baby up for adoption?

Yes I think he does have rights if he is the child's father. Legal status shouldn't have any bearing.

Is it ok at work to hand out cigars to celebrate a new baby?

Yeah, just don't smoke them at work or around the New Baby.

If your husband has a lot brothers will you birth a lot of sons?

No. The gender of the baby is always a 50/50 chance. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y. If the father gives the X chromosome, then the baby will be a girl (XX) but if the father gives a Y chromosome then the baby is a boy (XY). Whether he gives an X or a Y is completely random.

What are cheap baby shower party favors?

Some cheap baby shower party favors would be bubblegum cigars, streamers, pacifiers and its a boy/its a girl confetti.

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Leo is the father of Grace's baby on the show "Will & Grace."

What is the name of the food the father penguin gives the baby from his throat?

A 5 course meal with wine dude common scents its fish about the only thing they can get out there

Do the father blood flows in the baby vain?

No. The mother's doesn't either. What the father gives to the baby is DNA. The mother's egg carries all cell organelles plus her DNA. When the baby is forming the placenta its' blood supply is separate from the mothers'. However, the two form a capillary bed which allows the baby to get oxygen and nutrients and drop off wastes and carbon dioxide for the mother to dispose.

Does a fathers DNA mach his daughters baby if he is the father?

Yes, a father's DNA will match his daughter's baby if he is indeed the biological father of the child. The baby will inherit half of its DNA from the father, so there should be genetic similarities between the father, his daughter, and the daughter's baby.

Does Bella's father get to see her baby?

Yes Bella's father gets to see the baby!

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The father of Scarlet Ortiz baby is Yul Burkle

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Nick is the father of Sharon's baby.