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It will have the same asymptote. One can derive a vertical asymptote from the denominator of a function. There is an asymptote at a value of x where the denominator equals 0. Therefore the 3 would go in the numerator when distributed and would have no effect as to where the vertical asymptote lies. So that would be true.

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Q: True or False if a rational function Rx has exactly one vertical asymptote then the function 3Rx should have the exact same asymptote?
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Which statement is a correct interpretation of the vertical line test?

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There is no such thing as exactly vertical because either it is vertical or it is not. You cannot have approximately vertical - it is not vertical, then. Vertical means at 90 degrees to the horizon (or horizontal).

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A function takes one input and assigns to it exactly one output, so a graph qualifies as a function if it passes the vertical line test (run a vertical line across the entire plane; the function should only cross your line once no matter where you are testing).

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Horizonatal line test is a test use to determine if a function is one-to-one. If a horizontal line intersects a function's graph more than once, then the function is not one-to-one. A one-to-one function is a function where every element of the range correspons to exactly one element of the domain. Vertical line test is a test used to determine if a function is a function or relation. If you can put a vertical line through graph and it only hits the graph once, then it is a function. If it hits more than once, then it is a relation.

What is the rational number for 8.98?

Exactly as it is because 8.98 is a rational number

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The definition of a function is "A relation in which exactly one element of the range is paired with each element of the domain." This means that in the relationship of a function, each range element (x value) can only have one domain element (y value). If you draw a vertical line and it crosses your graph twice, then you can see that your x value has two y values, which is not a function.

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I believe it is a function, because a vertical line would only cross it once.

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Is a piecewise graph a function?

Yes, a piecewise graph can represent a function as long as each piece of the graph passes the vertical line test, meaning that each vertical line intersects the graph at most once. This ensures that each input has exactly one output value.

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Is 7.148714289.. rational?

The answer to the question depends on exactly how the decimal expansion proceeds. If it is non-repeating, then the number is not rational.

Is a linear pair is the same as vertical pair?

no, not exactly.