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Q: True or false are major operations and campaigns can be initiated while security cooperation's activities are ongoing in the same or another part of the theater.?
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When should Planning for stability operations begin?

when joint operation planning is initiated

When a user initiated a find operations the search begins when?

the answer is at the insertion point or wherever the cursor is at.

What does initiated as a buy mean in stock?

It means that the stock trader has started following the company, its operations, and its operations with the intention of wanting to buy shares.

What did President Nixon do?

Richard Nixon had a very controversial presidency. On the positive side, he opened up relations with The People's Republic of China. On the negative side, he initiated clandestine operations in Cambodia, and initiated a break-in at the National Democratic Headquarters, an act that that eventually led to his resignation.

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how child initiated and adult direct play activitie support children learning

Sample sentence for the word initiated?

Ignition initiated this fire. What initiated the investigation? Have you been initiated?

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Yersinia pestis, the bacteria responsible for the black death. When Count Orlock arrived in Bremen his activities initiated the plague in that city.

What is the history behind the green beret?

The green beret was a designation to a group of special operations soldiers during the Vietnam War. Major Herbert Brucker was the man who initiated the designation in 1953.

What was called the holy land by crusaders?

The holy land referred to by crusaders was Jerusalem, as it held great religious significance for Christians, Muslims, and Jews. The crusades were military campaigns initiated by European Christians to reclaim Jerusalem from Muslim control.

What does initiated mean?

Initiated is the past tense and past participle of the verb "to initiate" (to begin, to establish). The word initiated (verb or adjective) usually means began, started, or established(as the past participle, begun).A secondary definition for the verb initiate is "to admit into an organization or group", most notably into a fraternity or sorority, where a candidate is initiated through the process of initiation. (For pledges to a fraternity, this can include various demeaning activities called 'hazing.') It this usage, an initiated member is one who has been formally inducted.Another modern use of the word initiated involves its negative adjective, uninitiated, and is used to mean those who have not yet learned (or made privy to) certain news or knowledge.

Can military FDOs only be initiated after unambiguous warning?

What is The purpose of this principle of joint operations is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. It is the most effective and decisive way to achieve a clearly defined objective."

When was the expanded programme on immunization in Ghana initiated?

it was initiated in 1978.