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Q: True or false the services of a paralegal may be billed to the client in most jurisdictions?
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Why is it important to go the extra mile for your client?

Client are always happy when a business goes the extra mile and does something special for them, they usually talk to others about the extra services provided and this could lead to promote your organization.

In what possible ways would a client be different from a customer?

The term 'Customer' tends to refer to a one-off business transaction usually in a retail situation. 'Client' tends to refer to a regular customer using a professional service: a customer buys a book about Law, a client employs the services of a lawyer. Dentists have clients, shopkeepers have customers.

What is ARPU?

ARPU typically stands for Average Revenue Per User. It is used mainly in the telecoms sector, where revenues can be roughly calculated based on an average of all of its customers. The general theory is that maximising ARPU increases profit and thus measuring this way helps the business to focus on developing more value from its customers. ARPU is also used as a yardstick for assessing the value of specific client groups, and assessing the products and services which are marketed to those groups. For example, a low ARPU customer might be targetted with bonus offers in order to increase their revenue contribution. By including services which are more applicable to this user group the client is considered to be stickier, i.e. the client would have to change several services if it decided to take it's business elsewhere. Making a stickier customer ensures ARPU is increased for longer periods.

What does countertransferance mean?

It is a term used in psychology. Transference refers to when a client develops emotions and feelings for practitioner similar to those they have for an authority figure from childhood-ex.: client says psychologist reminds her of her father. Countertranference is when the practitioner develops those attachments to the client-ex.: psychologist thinks client is just like his troubled sister, etc

What is Use of inverse domain?

Inverse domain is used to map an address to a name. For instance, if a server receives a request from a client and this server has only the ip addresses of the clients in its list then the server needs to find out if this client is on its authorized client list. In order to determine if the client is on the authorized client list,server asks its resolver to query to the DNS server to map an address to name. And this type of querys are called inverse query(pointer query -PTR).

Related questions

What is paralegal duty toward clients?

A paralegal does not have a duty to the client. The attorney has a duty to the client. The paralegal has a duty to the attorney or firm that employs him/her.

Does an paralegal get paid by the claient too?

A paralegal is the employee of the attorney and is not paid by the client.

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What is a good sentence for billed and build?

The company billed the client for services rendered last month. The construction team will begin to build the new office building next week.

Paralegal Support for Lawyers?

The paralegal profession has grown over the years, so that now, paralegals play an integral and vital place in a law firm or corporate setting, and are necessary support for attorneys as they practice. A paralegal provides multiple types of services that benefit the client, the lawyer and the firm or corporation. Paralegals first began providing support to lawyers in the 1960's, when attorneys were charging by the minute for everything they did for the client. Legal services were becoming too expensive for the average person, and attorneys were swamped with case work. The solution was to hire a paralegal, which, in some firms, are referred to as legal assistants. The paralegal took over the minutiae of the attorneys work that he had previously billed the client for, such as drafting a document. Paralegals bill much less per hour, and therefore, the cost to the client is much less. Now that attorneys are free to focus on the legal aspects of a case, the case is handled more efficiently and quickly. Paralegal support for lawyers comes in various forms. Depending on the type of law that is practiced, a paralegal can perform new client intakes, manage case calendars, prepare documents and letters for signature, establish databases and perform research and investigation. Paralegals may also be asked to attend hearings and assist at trial. Trial preparation is one of the more important types of services paralegals provide. Getting a case ready to go before a judge can be an intense and busy time for lawyers. The paralegal can mark exhibits, prepare witnesses; prepare any digital presentation materials for the courtroom, as well as assisting the client and attorney after a trial with any settlement document preparation. Most often, it is the paralegal that clients will speak to when they call their lawyer. Paralegals have an opportunity to know about the client and case specifics and can develop a trusting relationship with the client for the firm or corporate setting. Paralegals are often the friendly voice on the phone the client remembers during a difficult time. Good paralegals support their lawyers keep the clients happy.

Client who needs IT support and wants to be billed Monthly?

I have dozens of clients billed monthly.

What is an ethical wall?

An ethical wall is an environment in which an attorney or a paralegal is isolated from a particular case or client to avoid a conflict of interest or to protect a client's confidences and secrets.

What can lead to failure quickly for a paralegal Why?

Breaching client confidentiality. Because it would put her/his boss at risk.

Can an attorney or a paralegal prepare and draft a will for a client who is of unsound mind?

No, an attorney or paralegal cannot prepare and draft a will for a client who is of unsound mind. It is important for the individual to have the legal capacity and mental clarity to make decisions about their will. If someone is deemed to lack testamentary capacity, the will could be challenged in court.

What is LCS Client?

LoCation Service (LCS) Location Services Client (LCS Client)

Can a paralegal interview a new client while the attorney is on vacation and have the new client sign a representation agreement?

Answer:Yes. And so could the secretary, administrative assistant, office manager or anyone else the attorney likes. The interview is just to see if the client has a case that the attorney is interested in, and he is free to share those parameters with his staff. The signing of the representation is just a paperwork formality between the client and the lawyer.As long as the paralegal does not offer anything to the client which could be construed as 'legal advice' they are operating wtihin their legal capacity.

How to write a termination letter of services provided to client?

How to write a termination letter of our services to a client due to no response