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It's clear that the first set has 2m subsets and second one has 2n subests.

so we have to solve 2m - 2n = 56 (m,n are positive integers)

Its also clear that m>n

let m = k+n

so 2k+n- 2n= 56

2n(2k- 1)= 23*7

clearly 2k-1 is odd

so 2n= 23, and n = 3

and 2k-1= 7 so k =3

so m = 3+3 = 6 and n = 3

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Q: Two finite sets have m and n elements If A has 56 more subsets than B then what are the values of m and n?
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Is Closed interval finite?

Assuming its endpoints are not equal, a closed interval of the real number line a has an infinite number of real numbers in it. Closed intervals of other ordered sets can have either a finite or an infinite number of elements. I am not sure I answered your question because I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Could you be more specific? Are you talking about a closed interval of the real number line or closed interval of some other ordered set? By finite do you mean 'containing a finite number of elements' or do you mean 'bounded by a finite number'.

What is a pigeonhole principle?

The simple form of it states: If m pigeons are put into m pigeonholes, there is an empty hole iff there's a hole with more than one pigeon. In more formal math language it says: Let |A| denote the number of elements in a finite set A ( also known as its cardinality). For two finite sets A and B, there exists a 1-1 correspondence f: A -->B if and only if |A| = |B|.

How do you find the cardinality?

by counting the number of elements in a set. * * * * * For a simple set with a finite number of elements it is possible to count the number of distinct elements - even though it may be time consuming. For other finite sets, such as symmetry groups, it is not always easy to identify distinct elements before counting how many there are. However, there are theoretical methods that will help in such cases. The cardinality of an infinite group is Aleph-Null if it there is a 1-to-1 mapping with the set of integers. The cardinality is Aleph-One if the mapping is with the real numbers. If you go beyond that, you will have studied a lot more about cardinality and will not need to ask such a question!

What is the radius of 133?

A finite number we do not discuss its radius as it is more of a geometric term.

What is an equivalent?

Could you be more specific? An equivalence relation effectively partitions a set into nonoverlapping subsets.

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Assuming its endpoints are not equal, a closed interval of the real number line a has an infinite number of real numbers in it. Closed intervals of other ordered sets can have either a finite or an infinite number of elements. I am not sure I answered your question because I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Could you be more specific? Are you talking about a closed interval of the real number line or closed interval of some other ordered set? By finite do you mean 'containing a finite number of elements' or do you mean 'bounded by a finite number'.

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The answer to this equation would be 63. The "difference" is the comparative analysis of the values, a set of 81 elements has 63 more elements than a set having 18 elements. Or 81-18 = 63.