Fifty-two thousand, five hundred seventy-one dollars and twenty cents.
$6771.71 out of $15728.00 as a percentage is: 6771.71/15728.00 x 100 % ~= 43.1%
One third of eight hundred ninety dollars and twenty eight cents is two hundred ninety six dollars and seventy six cents. Math doesn't lie, honey. Just divide that amount by three and you've got your answer.
The number 1229.00 is "one thousand two hundred twenty-nine." In US currency, this would be "one thousand two hundred twenty-nine dollars" (and no cents).
Fifty-two thousand, five hundred seventy-one dollars and twenty cents.
$6771.71 out of $15728.00 as a percentage is: 6771.71/15728.00 x 100 % ~= 43.1%
$2,500.00 Two thousand, five hundred dollars and no cents
Twenty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight and twenty-five hundredthsFor currency (USD): Twenty-seven thousand, three hundred twenty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents.
One hundred twenty-two million, two hundred fifty-nine thousand, six hundred twenty-two dollars and thirty-six cents.
seventy-four thousand one hundred dollars and no cents
Thirteen thousand two hundred and seventy dollars and 58 cents.
One third of eight hundred ninety dollars and twenty eight cents is two hundred ninety six dollars and seventy six cents. Math doesn't lie, honey. Just divide that amount by three and you've got your answer.
The number 118161.70 is "one hundred eighteen thousand, one hundred sixty-one and seventy hundredths." In US currency, this would be "one hundred eighteen thousand, one hundred sixty-one dollars and seventy cents."
The number 1700 is one thousand seven hundred. (and no hundredths) If US currency, $1700.00, it is "one thousand seven hundred dollars" (and no cents). Colloquially, many people say "seventeen hundred".