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Two or more vectors combine to form a resultant sum; V1 + V2 + ...+ Vn = VR

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Q: Two or more vectors combine to form?
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Two or more vectors combine to form an?

The combination of two or more vectors results in a new vector known as the resultant vector. This resultant vector is found by adding or subtracting the individual vectors' magnitudes and directions.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant if not can three vectors be combine?

Two vectors: no. Three vectors: yes.

Can two vectors having different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultantis it possible for three vectors?

-- The minimum magnitude that can result from the combination of two vectors is the difference between their magnitudes. If their magnitudes are different, then they can't combine to produce zero. -- But three or more vectors with different magnitudes can combine to produce a zero magnitude.

Is it possible to combine two vectors of different magnitude to give a zero resultant. if not can three vectors be so combined?

No, it is not possible to combine two vectors of different magnitudes to give a zero resultant. However, it is possible to combine three or more vectors of different magnitudes and directions to give a zero resultant if they form a closed polygon or if they are in equilibrium.

When two or more materials combine chemically they form what?

When two or more materials combine chemically, they from a substance. When two or more materials combine and they do not react with each other, they form a mixture.

When two or more elements combine they form a?

compound is when two or more elements combine chemically

When two or more atoms combine they create what?

Two or more atoms combine to form a molecule.

When you combine two or more vectors the effect is called?

The effect is called vector addition. This process involves combining the magnitudes and directions of the individual vectors to determine the resulting vector.

Can the resultant of two vectors of the same magnitude be equal to the magnitude of either of the vector. How?

Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.Yes - if the vectors are at an angle of 60 degrees. In that case, the two vectors, and the resultant, form an equilateral triangle.

Is it possible to combine two unequal vectors to give a zero resultant?


What forms when two or more materials combine chemically?

When two or more materials combine chemically, they from a substance. When two or more materials combine and they do not react with each other, they form a mixture.

Two or more materials that combine chemically form what?

They form a compound.