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Q: Uniformity coefficient of soil is always less than 1?
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What does Uniformity coefficient and Coefficient of curvature tells about soil?

The uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of curvature tells us the soil gradient of each soil. The gradient is simply the classification of soils and gravels.

Land with a few crops will always have less?

fertile soil and water.

What is coefficient of consolidation?

Coefficient of consolidation (Cv) is a measure of time it takes for a soil to consolidate during the lab test.

What is the spring constant in design of pile?

it is a soil constant (coefficient of sub grade reaction)

What is the typical values of coefficient of friction of soil on plastic pipes?

The coefficient of friction between soil and plastic pipes typically ranges from 0.2 to 0.6, depending on factors such as soil type, moisture content, and pipe material. It is important to consider these variations when designing pipe installation to ensure stability and avoid slippage.

What is the effects of soil erosion to condition of soil?

less fertile, less quality,less productive

Values of static and dynamic coefficient of friction for concrete to soil?

The static coefficient of friction between concrete and soil typically ranges from 0.6 to 1.0, while the dynamic coefficient of friction is usually slightly lower, ranging from 0.5 to 0.8. These values can vary based on factors such as the roughness of the surfaces and the presence of any contaminants like water or debris.

What are effects of erosion to soil?

less qulity of soil

Why is it harder for plant to survive in a rocky soil?

rocky soil has less nutrients than regular soil.

What kind of soil holds less water than the others?

cykieadriess soil

Does salt in soil?

Any soil contain more or less sodium chloride.

How do you make lawn soil less acidic?

You can make lawn soil less acidic by adding lime to the soil. Lime helps to raise the pH level of the soil, making it less acidic. Be sure to conduct a soil test first to determine how much lime you need to apply.