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Q: Using the simple spinner below what is the probability of landing on 2 spaces through 5?
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Simple question, difficult answer. It depends on how many times you want the penny to land on heads. The probability of a penny landing on heads once is 1 in 2. For it to land on heads twice is 1 in 4, for three times it is 1 in 8, and so on and so forth.

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If the probability of an event is p, then the complementary probability is 1-p.

What is a simple machine that has a wheel and axel that turn togethet?

maybe in a kitchen you have a egg spinner

What is a simple event in probability?

A coin flip

What is a spinning wheel?

A spinning wheel is a simple, circular machine developed by the Chinese in 1035

What is a simple example of an empirical probability?

Emily got 12 texts and 5 were from jasmine. The probability is 5/12.

A carnival spin wheel has 16 equal selections marked either win or lose if the spinner lands on win six times out of 100 spins which is most likely number of lose sections on the wheel?

According to the laws of probability, there should be 15 LOSE sections and 1 WIN section on this wheel. To say it another way, 1 out of every 16 times the spinner should land on the WIN section. As a decimal, 1/16 is 6%. Simple!

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Sampling techniques in researching involves to types of sampling. The probability sampling and the non-probability sampling. Simple random is an example of probability sampling.

How does probability apply to basketball?

the answer is quite simple really... porn.

When two probabilities are multiplied the probability represents a simple event?

No, it is not.

What is downside probability?

This is a very simple statistic to comprehend and to calculate. It takes the frequency distribution method of calculating probability. The statistic is calculated as This statistic is simple to interpret as well. What it calculates is the probability of the portfolio to get a negative return. It can be comprehended that a higher figure would mean a higher probability of fund to do give negative returns.