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lol...u seem to be studying in swinburne?? may be coincidence...! I was looking for the same stuff :P

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Q: Value of distribution coefficient of hemoglobin?
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Coefficient of skewness and formula?

The coefficient of skewness is a measure of asymmetry in a statistical distribution. It indicates whether the data is skewed to the left, right, or is symmetric. The formula for calculating the coefficient of skewness is [(Mean - Mode) / Standard Deviation]. A positive value indicates right skew, a negative value indicates left skew, and a value of zero indicates a symmetric distribution.

If coefficient of skewness equals 0 then what would you say about the skewness of the distribution?

if coefficient of skewness is zero then distribution is symmetric or zero skewed.

What is the Gini coefficient?

The Gini coefficient is a measure of income inequality within a population, with a value of 0 indicating perfect equality and 1 indicating perfect inequality. It is commonly used by economists and policymakers to understand the distribution of income or wealth within a country. A higher Gini coefficient suggests a more unequal distribution of income.

What is the value of distribution coefficient of iodine between water and chloroform?

The distribution coefficient of iodine between water and chloroform is approximately 35. This means that iodine is more soluble in chloroform than in water.

The Pearson's coefficient of skewness is a measure of distribution's symmetry?

It is a descriptive statistical measure used to measure the shape of the curve drawn from the frequency distribution or to measure the direction of variation. It is a measure of how far positively skewed (below the mean) or negatively skewed (above the mean) the majority (that's where the mode comes in) of the data lies. Useful when conducting a study using histograms. (mean - mode) / standard deviation. or [3(Mean-Median)]/Standard deviation

Which estimator will consistently have a skewed sampling distribution?

Coefficient of varation

How does a researcher determine if a correlation coefficient is significant?

Let r be the correlation coefficient of a sample of n (x,y) observations. Then the statistic t = r sqrt(n-2) / sqrt(1-r^2) is computed. It is compared with a t-distribution critical value with n-1 degrees of freedom. If the calculated t value exceeds the critical t value, the correlation coefficient is considered significantly different from 0.

What is the coefficient of a term that consists of a single variable?

The numerical value that comes before the variable or, if none, the coefficient is 1.The numerical value that comes before the variable or, if none, the coefficient is 1.The numerical value that comes before the variable or, if none, the coefficient is 1.The numerical value that comes before the variable or, if none, the coefficient is 1.

How do you calculate a coefficient knowing the expected rate of return and standard deviation?

It depends on what the underlying distribution is and which coefficient you want to calculate.

What is characteristic of coefficient?

A coefficient has a fixed value, unlike a variable in an expression.

What is the coefficient of 8x?

The coefficient is the numerical value attached to an unknown or a variable. Thus, the coefficient of 8x is 8.

What is the average value of coefficient of velocity in a submerged orifice?

The average value of the coefficient of velocity for a submerged orifice is typically around 0.97 to 0.99. This value represents the efficiency of the orifice in converting the potential energy of the fluid into kinetic energy.