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Q: Vector is a quanity with magnitude and?
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A vector quanity has direction a scalar quanity does not?

Yes, that's correct. A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, while a scalar quantity only has magnitude. Examples of vector quantities include force, velocity, and displacement, while examples of scalar quantities include mass, time, and temperature.

What is a vector quanity?

A vector quantity is a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction, such as velocity, force, and acceleration. Vectors are commonly represented in physics using arrows, with the length representing the magnitude and the direction indicating the specific orientation of the quantity.

What measure is a vectore quanity?

A vector quality is defined as a quality that is described completely by both a direction and a magnitude. Velocity describes what direction something is moving as well as the speed it is moving, which makes it a vector quality.

How does vector quantity differ from a scalar quanity?

A scalar quantity defines only magnitude, while a vector quantity defines both a magnitude and direction.

What is a unit vector?

It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.

Is force a vector or scaler?

'Force' is a vecter quanity.

Is electric field intensity a vector quanity?

Yes, it is.

What is a vector magnitude?

A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.

What is the magnitude of a vector 3V?

3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.

A vector is a quantity with magnitude and ___?

A vector is described by magnitude and direction (a scalar has only magnitude).

What is a vector of magnitude?

Nothing. A magnitude is part of a vector. For example, for the vector "10 metres due East", 10 metres is the magnitude of the vector and East is the direction of the vector.

Can the magnitude of a vector has negative value?

No, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero. It represents the length of the vector and is a scalar quantity. Negative values are not associated with the magnitude of a vector.