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Q: Vector rm vec A points in the negative y direction and has a magnitude of 11 units Vector rm vec B has twice the magnitude and points in the positive x direction.?
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Can be magnitude of a vector have negative value?

Vectors have magnitude and direction. The magnitude is always a positive number.

How will you multiply a vector by positive number?

A positive scalar multiplied by a vector, will only change the vector's magnitude, not the direction. A negative scalar multiplied by the vector will reverse the direction by 180°.

Can there be a positive acceleration and a negative acceleration?

Yes, acceleration can be positive and negative because acceleration is a vector. It has both direction and magnitude. The direction is what makes it positive or negative. Negative acceleration is usually called deceleration.

What is different between negative vector and null vector?

A null vector has no magnitude, a negative vector does have a magnitude but it is in the direction opposite to that of the reference vector.

Can the magnitude of a vector has negative value?

No, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero. It represents the length of the vector and is a scalar quantity. Negative values are not associated with the magnitude of a vector.

What is meant by negative vector?

A negative vector is a vector that has the opposite direction of the original vector but the same magnitude. It is obtained by multiplying the original vector by -1. In other words, if the original vector points in a certain direction, the negative vector points in the exact opposite direction.

What is negative vector in physics?

In physics, a negative vector is a vector that points in the opposite direction to a positive vector of the same magnitude. Negative vectors are used to represent quantities or forces that act in the opposite direction within a specific coordinate system.

Can the magnitude of a vector be negative?

No, the value can't be negative because magnitude of a vector is just how long it is regardless of its direction. :-)

Is any quantity having a positive and negative values a vector?

No, not necessarily. A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. While it can have positive and negative values, not all quantities with positive and negative values represent vectors. Vectors must also obey the rules of vector addition and scalar multiplication.

Does acceleration involve a direction?

Yes, acceleration is a vector quantity that involves both magnitude and direction. It indicates the rate of change of velocity with respect to time and can be positive or negative, depending on whether it is in the same direction as the velocity (positive) or opposite direction (negative).

Why the magnitude of a vector is always positive?

Magnitude is the absolute value which is always positive.--Edit: Magnitude is a scalar quantity thus regardless of the direction of the vector (which determines is positivity or negativity) the magnitude would be positive.Example: you take two steps forwards; the magnitude is two steps, regardless of it being forward or backwards (positive or negative)

Why can velocity be negative but nonzero speed is always positive?

Velocity includes both speed and direction, so a negative velocity indicates motion in the opposite direction. Speed, on the other hand, is a scalar quantity representing the magnitude of velocity without regard to direction, and therefore is always positive.