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Q: WAP to print esquare 10 natural number?
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#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int a; int b; { cout << "Please enter a number: "; cin >> a; b = a%2 == 0 ? a*a : a*a*a; cout << "The result is: " << b << endl; } return 0; } - - - //Alternative #include<iostream> #include<cmath>

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10. input number 20. let accumulator = 0 30. if number > 0 then goto 80 40. let digit = number % 10 50. let accumulator = accumulator * 10 + digit 60. let number = number / 10 70. goto 30 80. print accumulator

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What is a wap code?

Samsung s5233 wap code

How do i get wap on my phone?

To get wap on your mobile phone, simply get in touch with your service provider. The provider will give you instructions on how to get wap.

What is the full form of wap?

WAP is Wireless Application Protocol

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Dewi Soyusiawaty has written: 'Natural language translator Inggris-Indonesia-Jawa berbasis WAP'

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What are the feature of WAP?"