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using namespace std;

int main(void)


int a;

int b;


cout << "Please enter a number: ";

cin >> a;

b = a%2 == 0 ? a*a : a*a*a;

cout << "The result is: " << b << endl;


return 0;


- - -




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8mo ago

num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if num % 2 == 0: print("Square of", num, "is", num2) else: print("Cube of", num, "is", num3)

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Q: Wap to take a number from the user and print its square if the number is even otherwise incase of odd number print its cube?
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How do you write a program to input the side of a square and print its area and perimeter?

1 CLS 2 PRINT "Please to tell me the length of the side of the square." 3 INPUT S 4 PRINT 5 PRINT "The perimeter of the square is "; 4 * S 6 PRINT 7 PRINT "The area of the square is "; S ^ 2 8 PRINT 9 PRINT "That was truly a total blast. Would you like to play again ? 'Y' or 'N' ." 10 INPUT A$ 11 IF A$ = "Y" or A$ = "y" then PRINT "Goody! " : GOTO 2 12 IF A$ = "N" or A$ = "n" then PRINT "Well OK then. Goodbye": END 13 PRINT: PRINT "Please to type a 'Y' to play again, or a 'N' to quit for now." 14 GOTO 10

What is input in math form?

If you are referring to this in terms of programming, then let's say I built a pgm that will prompt you to input an integer and my pgm will return the square of your "input"Looks like this:Enter a number and I will square it: 1212 squared = 144Here it is in C++ //input-output stream STL //to make sure i dont need to reinvent the wheelint input_number; //allocate memory for the inputint square; //same for the outputint main{cout >input_number;square = input_number^2;cout

Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should display the count of positive and negative and zeros entered without using array?

1 PRINT "Kindly enter your next number, Master, or 'x' to end and total them up." 2 INPUT a$: IF a$ = "x" or a$ = "X" then GOTO 10 3 K = VAL(a$) 4 If K&lt;0 then neg=neg+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 5 If K&gt;0 then pos=pos+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 6 If K=0 then Z=z+1: PRINT: GOTO 1 10 PRINT: PRINT "Thank you, Master. I cannot express the joy that this exercise has brought me. Here are your results: " 11 PRINT: PRINT "The number of positive numbers you entered was "; pos; "." 12 PRINT: PRINT "The number of negative numbers you entered was "; neg; "." 13 PRINT: PRINT "The number of zeros you entered was "; Z; "." 15 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "Would you like to play again, Master ?" 16 PRINT "Kindly touch 'x' if no, or any other key if yes. I can hardly wait." 17 Input a$: IF a$ &lt;&gt; "X" and a$ &lt;&gt; "x" then GOTO 20 18 PRINT: PRINT "It has been my pleasure to cavort with you today, Master." 19 PRINT "Y'all come back now, y'hear !" : END 20 PRINT: CLS: PRINT "Oh GOODY! I love this game!" 21 pos=0: neg=0: Z=0 22 GOTO 1

WAP to print esquare 10 natural number?

yo yo as

Who first used the square root symbol?

The symbol &radic; for the square root was first used in print in 1525 inChristoph Rudolff's Coss, which was also the first to use the then-new signs '+' and '-'

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BeginRead:aSet Sqt=pow(a,1/2)If (a

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PRINT SQR(9) ...output... 3 (Thus, giving you the square root of the number 9; I presume this what your question meant...?)

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Left click and selcet propertys scroll for the crop format or edit option choose and proceed after be sure to save changes incase you need it for later

How many pages are required to print large prime number?

An infinite number of pages are required to print an infinitely large prime number.