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What are positive and negative effects of levees?

Negative effects are can cause flooding if broken

What is positive spillover?

the positive effects soemthing has on other people the positive effects soemthing has on other people

What are the positive and negative effects of Spain and Portugal?

The positive effects on Spain is that the more tourists come Spain gain alot of money The negative effects on Spain is that eventually Spain will be overcrowded and the government will have to build more hotels

What are the independent dependent and control variables?

The independent variable is the thing you are changing/varying. The dependent variable is the thing you are measuring. This variable should be affected by the independent variable. Control variables are anything that must be kept constant. If there are any other factors which affect the dependent variable, then these need to be controlled so that they do not have any significant effect (basically ensuring that you are actually measuring the effects of the independent variable).

What is EIA?

EIA is Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment is a tool used for decision making regarding projects, and developments. The Environmental Assessment is carried out by the prior to any development taking place by the developer or their agents - (typically Environmental Consultants). Environmental Assessment is carried out in order to produce an Environmental Statement. Which usually includes: A Non-Technical summary, a description of the project: location, design, scale, size etc. a description of the receiving environment, description of significant effects and the mitigating measures to be taken to minimise the effects of the project. Usually EIA is tied into a regulatory approval process.

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What are the positive effects of cigarette advertisements?

More sales for the business

What is the effect of misleading advertisements on youth?

effects of misleading advertisments on youth

What are the effects of advertisements on modern consumers?

Advertisements inform consumers more about the products on offer. They also encourage consumers to choose between different brands and thus get better value for money.

Bad effects of advertisements?

Advertisements can promote materialism, unrealistic body images, and unhealthy consumption patterns. They can also manipulate emotions and create a false sense of need or desire for products or services. Additionally, ads can contribute to social issues such as inequality and discrimination by perpetuating stereotypes and promoting certain societal norms.

What type of manufacturing business did Adam smith use to illustrate the effects of the division of labor?

The Pin Making Business

What type of manufacturing did Adam smith use to illustrate the effects of the division of labor?

Adam Smith used the example of a pin factory to illustrate the effects of the division of labor. He described how breaking down the production process into specialized tasks increased efficiency and productivity in manufacturing.

Yaz birth control facts?

it contains estrogen and is known for causing serious side effects in some casesit is involved in lawsuits for misleading advertisements and unmentioned side effects

What are possible effects of UV radiation on the ecology of a lake?

most useless website ever. they lure you in, then slap you with advertisements and no answers whatsoever.

What are the side effects associated with using flaxseed?

Recommended doses not associated with any significant side effects.

What are the good and bad effects of advertisements?

good are someone might get something that they would like and bad because someone might not be satisfied with what they end up with

Planet whose satellite creates significant tidal effects?


Can scallion cause side effects?

When taken in recommended dosages, scallion is not associated with any bothersome or significant side effects.