

WHAT DO right triangle EQUAL TO?

Updated: 10/31/2022
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7y ago

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A right angle triangle has a 90 degree angle and two acute angles that altogether add up to 180 degrees

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Q: WHAT DO right triangle EQUAL TO?
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How many equal angles can a right triangle have?

A right triangle can have 2 equal angles if they are each 45° (any other right triangle will have no equal angles)

How many pairs of equal sides does a right triangle have?

Unless it is a right isosceles triangle, a normal right triangle has no pairs of equal sides.

Hat is a triangle with no equal sides?

A triangle with no equal sides and no right angle is a scalene triangle

Does an isosceles triangle have a right angle?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.

Does an isosceles triangle have right angles?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.

What is a right scalent triangle?

A right scalent triangle is a triangle with a right angle and no sides equal in length.

Does a right angled triangle have all equal sides?

right angled triangle does not have all equal sides

What do you call a triangle that has no equal sides?

a 'SCALENE' triangle. ; No equal sides, and no equal angles. An ISOSCELES triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. An EQUILATERAL tringle has three equal sides and three equal angles all at 60 degrees. A RIGHT ANGLED triangle has one right angle (90 degrees) in it.

Does a right-angled triangle have any equal sides?

A right-angled triangle can have equal sides, but does not have to. A right-angled triangle with two equal sides CANNOT be an equilateral triangle. A right-angled triangle cannot be an equilateral triangle.Divide a square along the diagonal, and you are left with two right-angled triangles with two sides of equal length.

What is triangle with at least two sides equal?

A ISOSCELES triangle. With all sides equal it is an EQUILATERAL triangle With one right angle it is a RIGHT ANGLED traigle/ With no sides equal it is a SCALENE triangle.

Are right triangle isosceles?

sometimes An Isosceles Triangle has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles. A right triangle could fit the description

A triangle has 1 right angle and 2 equal sides what two words describe this triangle?

A triangle with one right angle and two equal sides is called an isosceles right angled triangle.