an average adult is about 30 inches, children shorter and depending on age
It depends entirely on how long the persons stride is !
Depends upon your personal "stride" ... the span of distance between each foot when walking normally.
because it is (Edited by ayoth13) Psychiatrists thought that this is because the two people walking are in contact with each other and they try to keep pace with each other.
60 cm
It depends on your walking stride, however the average stride is 3 feet so therefore 5280 feet divided by 3 feet per step = 1,760 steps. (Approx)
The stride refers to the length or distance covered by a single step taken when walking or running. It is not a specific part of the body, but rather a measurement of movement.
It depends entirely on how long the persons stride is !
No, "stride" is not a standard unit of length. It refers to the distance covered by a single step when walking or running, and can vary depending on a person's height and gait.
The distance between your feet when you walk normally is called your stride width. This can vary from person to person and may be influenced by factors such as body size, muscle strength, and walking speed.
Depends upon your personal "stride" ... the span of distance between each foot when walking normally.
Yes, stride length affects walking speed. A longer stride can increase speed, while a shorter stride may slow you down. However, walking speed is also influenced by factors such as motivation, fitness level, and terrain.
3 feet
That is the correct spelling of "stride" (distance of step, or to take long steps).
Well I thought the same thing but it is a the distance your foot travels when walking until it touches the ground again. Juliet want to hear more from me go to
The word "stride" is often associated with walking. It refers to the manner or length of a person's steps while walking.