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Q: Was Stalin a negative or positive impact on the world?
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What are some negative numbers you use in the real world?

1) Temperature below zero degrees is denoted by a negative number. 2) In business, profit is shown as positive and loss as negative

How are negative integers used in the real world?

Whenever you have two opposites, you can use positive number for one, and negative numbers for the other. For example: * Having money might be positive, owing money might be negative (owing money is worse than just having nothing). * Getting money might be a positive change; spending money (or otherwise losing it), a negative change. * Places above sea level might be assigned a positive altitude; places below sea level, a negative altitude. * If latitudes north of the equator are defined as positive, then latitudes south of the equator would be negative. Or the other way round.

What are some positive and negative impacts of construction?

Hmm, well construction is positive in that it can provide structures that help the world... housing, factories, animal shelters, cruise ships, etc. On the other hand, it can be negative as far as environmental impact or changing land use... taking away the habitat of a rare bird or animal for instance, or displacing a population or a site important to history in favor of "progress." There are good and bad things about all decisions, and the individual cases have to be looked at.

When a solution set to a real world problem involving polynomials contains both positive and negative solutions why are the negative solutions often discarded?

The negative solutions are often discard because they have no real meaning in the real world, for example, you can not have -6 apples, it just doesn't make sense.

Where can positive and negative numbers be found in the real world?

The temperature of a room or country. e.g. In Canada it is -3 or in London it is 3 C

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Nationalism involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entity defined in national terms, so it has had a positive impact on individual countries, but a negative impact on the world as a whole

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Negative. It was the start of the death of Native Americans culture and lives.

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his negative impact was that he killed many Native Americans

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The invention of the telephone was a huge positive for society. The telephone enabled a vast improvement in communications.

How did World War 1 have both a positive and negative impact the economies of Europe?

The positive impact was that there was new countries created and the League of Nations was established to help promote peace. The negative impact was that a generation of Eurpeans were killed or wounded and Dynasties fall in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.

How did Juan Ponce De Leon exploration affect the world both positeve and negative?

His positive impact was that he claimed land for Spain.The negative impact was that he killed many Native Americans during his conquering of what is now Puerto Rico.

What was Joseph Stalin's impact on the world?

Hitler probably would have won WWII

Was the impact Christianity had on the world positive or negative?

This can be looked at from three perspectives. One is from a christian. they would say it was positive. Another is from an atheist (one who does not believe in god). They would say it was negative. But the third, from someone who doesn't really care would say that it had no effect.

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What is the impact of Islam on the modern world Negative and positive impact would be great. Thank you.?

Basically, I have one thing to say - Any one / Any religion / anything which tried to force / convert by force and disrespects others belief will only have a negative impact on the world (ancient/modern). This will equate to dictatorship/facism and can be analogous to Adolf Hitler's book of rules.

Did World War 1 have a positive impact on the world?

yes it did