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Air has a specific volume (cubic feet per pound) of approximately 13.8 (cubic feet per pound) at 78 degrees F and 50% relative humidity. The specific volume ranges from about 12.4 cubic feet per pound at 31 degrees F and 50% relative humidity to about 14.8 cubic feet per pound at 105 degrees F and 50% relative humidity. The specific volume varies as a function of temperature and humidity.


The correct term is mass not weight.

According to the International Standard Atmosphere at 15 oC and 760 mm col. Hg the density of pure, dry air is 1,225 kg/m3. So, a cubic foot has a mass of 34,7 g.

For other conditions it is of course necessary to know the characteristics of air in the specified location and time.

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Q: Weight of a cubic foot of air?
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What is the specific density of air?

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