Yes the ancient Romans were able to add, subtract, divide and multiply They also had their own numeracy system known today as Roman numerals
The opposite of add is subtract.
You add or subtract only the numerators
By the signs: 2+2(Add) 2-2(Subtract) +=add -=subtract
Yes the ancient Romans were able to add, subtract, divide and multiply They also had their own numeracy system known today as Roman numerals
Yes the educated Romans were able to add and subtract mentally but for more complicated calculations they would use an abacus calculating device.
You would have to convert the units to be alike, then you would be able to add and subtract them.
wich one
Leibniz's calculator could multiply and divide as well as add and subtract. The pascaline calculator could only add and subtract.
does how many mean add or subtract
The opposite of add is subtract.
it means to subtract
You add or subtract only the numerators
deposit = add withdraw = subtract
When you add, your answer is the sum.When you subtract, your answer is the difference.
You have to add the additive inverse. To subtract q, you add -q.