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Northern and southern hemispheres

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Q: What 2 parts of the globe is formed by the equator?
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What do you call the line that divides the globe into 2 spheres?

If you are talking about the line that separates the north hemisphere and the south hemisphere, it is the equator.

What parallel divides the earth into 2 equal parts?

The parallel is called the equator.

Into how many hemispheres is the globe divided?

2 at a time. Hemisphere means one-half. Of course, the Earth's surface can be divided in half north and south of the equator, or in half based on longitude (eastern and western hemispheres). So there are 4 "named" hemispheres. For example, the northern hemisphere contains the northern half of the eastern hemisphere and the northern half of the western hemisphere.

What 2 ways is the hemisphere divided?

The globe is divided into the northern and southern hemisphere (divide by the equator) , and the eastern and western hemisphere (divided by the International Dateline).

What are the 2 continents that are between the equator and the south pole?

All of Australia, all of Antarctica, and parts of Africa, South America, and Asia are between the Equator and the south pole.

What is the line of latitude that separates the north and south hemisphere?

There is one line, the equator, that separates the northern from the southern hemisphere. The Greenwich Meridian and International dateline form a circle that separates the western from the eastern hemisphere. These are the standard hemisphere divisions of the globe, but every meridian circle divides the globe into 2 halves.

What are the 2 different types of rainforest?

tropical and temperate

What parallel lines divides the earth into 2 equal parts?

The Equator divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. Lines of latitude are parallel to the Equator both to the north and to the south.

How many hemispheres are their using lines of latitude and longitude?

2, Hemi means half so yo are cutting the globe in half at equator or down the middle pole to pole

How close is Greece to the equator?

Turkey is between 37° and 42° north of the equator, which is a distance of at least 4000 km (2500 miles). The countries around the Meditteranean Sea are farther north than most people visualize. Ankara, Turkey is at about the same latitude (40°) as Philadelphia, PA or Columbus, Ohio.

What imaginary line cuts the earth into 2 equal parts?

The imaginary line that cuts the earth into two equal parts is called the equator. It is an imaginary circle around the Earth that is equidistant from the North and South poles. It divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

Which direction do parallels run?

Parallels run east-west on the globe, parallel to the equator. They are lines of latitude that measure the distance north or south of the equator.