Fractions are not whole numbers. They are fractions. You can call a fraction a whole number, but that doesn't make it one.
You have to turn the whole number into a fraction. Ex. 3= 3/1 Then get the fractions to have the same denominator. Ex. 3\1+1\3 becomes 9\3+1\3 Then add the numerators and you have your solution!
The sum of two fractions will only be a whole number if the fractions have a common denominator. When the denominators are different, the sum will be a fraction with a different denominator, making it impossible to be a whole number. Thus, estimating the sum of two fractions will generally result in a fraction, not a whole number.
Mixed Fractions are fractions that have whole numbers and fractions on the side.If you are trying to change them into improper fractions you take the denominator of the fraction and multiply it by the whole number and keep the same numerator. ex.: 2 and one fourth =
1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 ( One whole )
one whole
1/2, 1/3 and 1/6
2/2 3/3 4/4 5/5 etc.
The three improper fractions that equal the whole number 3 are 9/3, 6/2, and 3/1. These fractions show different ways to represent the whole number 3 using improper fractions.
Fractions that multiply to get 1 whole are reciprocals, or multiplicative inverses.
Fractions are not whole numbers. They are fractions. You can call a fraction a whole number, but that doesn't make it one.
there is no whole number for one third!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is a fraction!!!!There is no whole number but there is a decimal. You divide 1 by 3 and you end up with 0.3 repeating.
You have to turn the whole number into a fraction. Ex. 3= 3/1 Then get the fractions to have the same denominator. Ex. 3\1+1\3 becomes 9\3+1\3 Then add the numerators and you have your solution!
The sum of two fractions will only be a whole number if the fractions have a common denominator. When the denominators are different, the sum will be a fraction with a different denominator, making it impossible to be a whole number. Thus, estimating the sum of two fractions will generally result in a fraction, not a whole number.
Mixed Fractions are fractions that have whole numbers and fractions on the side.If you are trying to change them into improper fractions you take the denominator of the fraction and multiply it by the whole number and keep the same numerator. ex.: 2 and one fourth =
1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 5/5 ( One whole )