

What 3 prime numbers equal 189?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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6y ago

Best Answer

189 factors into FOUR prime numbers 3x3x3x7 ... so no 3 prime numbers will give a product of 189.

If you are looking for a sum of 3 prime numbers...

1+7+181 = 189

3+5+181 = 189

3+7+179 = 189

5+5+179 = 189

3+13+173 = 189

5+11+173 = 189

3+19-167 = 189

5+17+167 = 189

11+11+167 = 189

3+23+163 = 189

7+19+163 = 189

13+13+163 = 189

1+31+157 = 189

3+29+157 = 189

13+19+157 = 189

1+37+151 = 189

7+31+151 = 189

19+19+151 = 189

3+37+149 = 189

11+29+149 = 189

17+23+149 = 189


7+43+139 = 189

13+37+139 = 189

19+31+139 = 189

11+41+137 = 189

23+29+137 = 189

5+53+131 = 189

11+47+131 = 189

17+41+131 = 189

29+29+131 = 189

1+61+127 = 189

3+59+127 = 189

19+43+127 = 189

31+31+127 = 189

3+73+113 = 189

5+71+113 =189

17+59+113 = 189

23+53+113 = 189

29+47+113 = 189

1+79+109 = 189

7+73+109 = 189

13+37+109 = 189

19+61+109 = 189

37+43+109 = 189

3+79+107 = 189

11+71+107 = 189

23+59+107 = 189

29+53+107 = 189

41+41+107 = 189

3+83+103 = 189

7+79+103 = 189

13+73+103 = 189

19+67+103 = 189

3+89+97 = 189

13+79+97 = 189

19+73+97 = 189

31+61+97 = 189

47+47+97 = 189

11+89+89 = 189

17+83+89 = 189

29+71+89 = 189

47+53+89 = 189

23+83+83 = 189

47+59+83 = 189

53+53+83 = 189

31+79+79 = 189

37+73+79 = 189

43+67+79 = 189

59+59+71 = 189

61+61+67 = 189

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They are: 3*3*3*7 = 189

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3 x 3 x 3 x 7 = 189

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181 + 5 + 3

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The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7The prime factorisation (not fractional!) of 189 is:189 = 3*3*3*7

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