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Q: What Angle function is standard position to the?
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Equal in position or standard?

It is angle.

When is the angle are said to be in standard position?

When the beginning ray of the angle is on the x-axis.

What is the angle when the terminal side of an angle in standard position lies along one of the axes?

Quadrantal angle

What is the function of sternal angle?

it marks the position of the second rib

Which quadrant of the circle would contain the angle 45 degrees?

Any angle (in standard position) between zero and 90 degrees is in the first quadrant.

What is seekg?

In C++, seekg is a method/function of the standard fstream library (fstream::seekg()) which allows you to position the 'get' pointer to an arbitrary position within the stream.

Which axis does the starting point lie?

The starting point of what?When an angle is in standard position, the initial arm is the positive x-axis, and the angle is measured in a counter-clockwise direction.If this is not your question, please clarify and ask the question again. :-)

What is the function of Proprioceptors?

Proprioceptors are sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and muscle tension, which is integrated to give information about the position of the limb in space.

What can you say that angle is said to be in its standard position?

On a Cartesian plane (or one using polar coordinates), the vertex of the angle must be at the origin and one of the rays must lie along the positive x-axis (point towards the East).

What is cos of a negative angle?

The cosine function is an even function which means that cos(-x) = cos(x). So, if cos of an angle is positive, then the cos of the negative of that angle is positive and if cos of an angle is negative, then the cos of the negative of that angle is negaitive.

The purpose and function of standard error of measurement?

the purpose and function of standard error of mean

Is sine of an angle directly proportional to an angle?

No. The sine of an angle is not directly proportional to the angle. It is a function of the angle, but it is periodic, repeating every 360 degrees of the angle.