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Q: What English letters have two diagonal straight lines?
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What lines are in the letter A?

Diagonal and Straight Lines.

Are the perpendicular line segments of a letter the straight lines?

Not necessarily. The horizontal and diagonal lines are also straight lines.

What are 3 kinds of straight line?

Perpendicular lines Parallel lines Diagonal lines

What are slanting lines?

Slanting lines are lines that are straight but lean in another direction.

What logo has 3 blue diagonal lines?

The Amtrak logo has 3 diagonal blue lines. The name Amtrak is in blue letters and underneath run three diagonal lines going to the left.

Do diagonal lines make you look fat or skinny?

straight lines make you look skinny. horozontal lines make you look fat and diagonal lines make you look lopsided!!

How many straight lines are there in alphabet w?

There are no straight lines in the letter "W" because it is made up of two diagonal lines intersecting at a point.

What is the only letter with two diagonal straight lines?

The question does not make sense since here is not onlyoone such letter. A, K, M, W, X and Y all have two diagonal straight lines! If your question is "What is the letter with only 2 diagonal lines, then the answer is "V". This letter was omitted by Mr. Mehta.

How many letters have diagonal symmetry lines?

Not many. Depending on how you write, the letters L, O, Q, and X can have diagonal lines of symmetry.

Kinds of straight lines?

skew, parallel, intersecting.

How do you find diagnol lines in a shape?

Assuming that you mean diagonal (not diagnol) lines, they are straight lines that join non-adjacent vertices in a polygon or polyhedron.

What is the shape of diagonal?

A simple straight line.It join two vetices(corners) of a polygon(a closed figure made of straight lines).