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Q: What Is 6 months before February 18?
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How old are you if you were born february 17 1992?

18 years and 6 months

Do you have to be 18 for 6 months before an election to vote for a president?

no You can register before you turn 18 if you will be 18 by the next Election Day.

What is 6 months past August?

6 months past August is February.

I'm taking the permit test on aug 31 and I have to wait 6 months before i can get my license. So what is the exact date 6 months after august 31st?

In 2016 it will be 29th February. However, in non leap years it will be the 28th February.

Is a driving permit before your driving license required if your 17 in CA?

In CA you need it for the full 6 months, unless you turn 18 during those 6 months. Then you can have the opportunity to get your liscense once you turn 18.

How many months is 6 quarters?

18 months

What if you got your permit 7 months before your 18th birthday do you still have to wait till im 18 to get your license or can you get it once your 6 months are up i live in california?

18 is the legal age!

How long is 12 to 18 months?

12 months = 1 year 18 months = 1 year 6 months

How long do temporary braces stay on for?

my orthodontist said that when i get my temporary braces they have to stay on for 6 months before i get my predominant ones which i have to have for 18 months to 2 years

What is 6 months from August 8th?

The 8th of February.

I will turn 18 before your 6 months of driving is up. So do i still need to wait the whole six months or do i just go for my license on my birthday?

they removed that rule. you have to wait the whole year 18 or not

How many months must a minor under 18 hold an instructional permit before taking a driving test?

It can vary by state but for all of them if you are under 18 at least 6 months, if you are older than 18 then you can take the test for your license anytime.