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Q: What Is found by subtracting the data value from the mean?
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Is the interquartile range or IQR is found by subtracting the mean from the maximum value of a data set?

No. The IQR is found by finding the lower quartile, then the upper quartile. You then minus the lower quartile value from the upper quartile value (hence "interquartile"). This gives you the IQR.

What word tells the value found by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation?

z score

Why does adding or subtracting a constant amount to each value in a data set increase the mean?

The adding and subtracting a constant amount means the value will go up. The amount will go up due to the amount been added to each number.

How does adding it subtracting a constant amount by each value in a set of data affect the mean?

When adding and subtracting a constant amount means that that amount will increase. The amount will increase dew to adding each number.

What does average mean in math form?

Average - the central tendency of a data set is a measure of the "middle" or "expected" value of the data set (mean, median, mode) Layman's terms - the average of a math problem is the middle number, usually found by taking the highest number and subtracting the lowest number, or taking the highest and lowest numbers and finding the middle number.

How does subtracting the same amount from each value in a data set affect the mean median mode and range?

The mean, the median, the mode and the upper and lower limits of the range would each be reduced by the amount subtracted.

How does adding or subtracting a constant amount by each value in a set of data affect the mean?

Adding and subtracting is what increases the amount when adding each number. This is taught in high school math.

When can the mean be the largest value in the data set?

When the data set consistys of a single value.

Do you minus the denominator?

Do you mean like when you're trying to calculate the value of a variable? You divide the numerator by the denominator? If the operation involves subtracting a numerator from a denominator, then you would be subtracting the numerator.

What is the least value of the data set?

The least value of the data set is called the minimum.

What does decrease decimal mean?

It could mean reduce the value of a decimal - perhaps by subtracting something or multiplying by a number smaller than 1.

What does representing data mean?

to represent the data givin, or you have found