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Q: What Proceeds infinitely from a definite starting point?
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What is A linear set of points with a unique starting point and extending infinitely in one direction?

It is a ray.

What are facts about line segments?

They have a starting point, end point, definite length, they connect 2 points, they have a definite slope, they do not always have a y- intersect or x- intersect.

What is the point in space and time where gravity is infinitely strong and matter is infinitely dense?

a singularity

How many right angles does a concave have?

Depends on a concave what. There can be infinitely many right angles in concave shape that keeps going in and out before returning to its starting point.

What is difference between a line and a ray?

A line extends infinitely in both directions, while a ray has a starting point and extends infinitely in one direction. A line has no endpoints, while a ray has one endpoint.

What solids do not have a crystal form or definite melting point?

Amorphous solids have no definite melting point because their particles are arranged randomly. Amorphous solids do not have crystal form or definite melting point.

What have neither definite shape nor volume?

If you are talking about physical objects, there are few objects at subatomic scales that can be considered to have no shape or volume. For example, a singularity at the center of a black hole, not the event horizon but the actual singularity that creates all the effects you see around it, is an infinitely small point in space: no shape or volume (as you will see in the next paragraph). If you are asking mathematically (geometrically), then the only structure, with both those characteristics, is a point. Whatever the space you choose to use to observe a point in a geometrical point of view, a point is always infinitely small. If it had any shape or volume, then that would imply there would be more points composing it, which would mean it was actually not a point. A line has no volume, but it does have shape, and everything with limits along more dimensions has volume.

How man lines can pass through a point?

Infinitely many.

What does a line segment look like in math?

A line segment in math is a straight line that connects two points. It has a starting point and an ending point, and it does not continue infinitely in both directions like a line does. A line segment is represented by a line with a starting point and an ending point marked with endpoints.

Does a amorphous solid have definite melting point?


Is a point from earth to space a ray?

No, a point from Earth to space is not a ray because a ray extends infinitely in one direction. A point is a specific location in space with no dimensions, whereas a ray has one endpoint and extends infinitely in the opposite direction.

How many lines does a cone have?

Infinitely many. There are infinitely many lines from the apex to the base. Every point on each of these lines is on the surface of the cone.